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高的,苗条的,婀娜多姿的。Tall, slender, and graceful.

其婀娜多姿的身体首位的是一轿跑车般的车顶。Its curvaceous body is topped by a coupe-like roofline.

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让自由之声响彻加利福尼亚的婀娜多姿的群峰!Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!

让自由的声音从加利福尼亚婀娜多姿的山峰上响起吧!Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.

在外婆家的门前就有一颗婀娜多姿的芙蓉树。In Grandma's in front of a hibiscus tree, there a Graceful.

秀气的江南是一位婀娜多姿,温柔娴静的小家碧玉。Delicate snakes south of the Yangtze River is a gentle quiet of.

黑夜的每分每秒,脑海里都是神八那婀娜多姿的身影。The night every second. My mind is a god that graceful figure of eight.

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我喜欢春天的柳树,因为它婀娜多姿、美丽动人。I like the willows in spring, because it Graceful, beautiful and moving.

桂林以婀娜多姿的奇山秀水著称于世。Gui Lin is famous for the graceful water and marvellous mountain in the world.

我爱色彩斑斓,婀娜多姿的孔雀鱼,因为他们给我带来了无穷的乐趣。I love the colorful, Graceful Peacock fish, because they brought me a lot of fun.

忍不住转身,见婀娜多姿,你的回眸一笑,醉矣。Cannot help but turn, see very pretty and charming, you shall be with a smile, drunk.

堤上六座桥,造型互异,婀娜多姿。Each of the six bridges on the West Causeway has its own form and each is graceful in its own way.

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一晃,蛛儿到了十六岁了,已经成了个婀娜多姿的少女,长的十分漂亮,楚楚动人。Flash, Zhuer to sixteen years old, has become a graceful young girl, long very beautiful, very lovely.

一晃,蛛儿到了十六岁了,已经成了个婀娜多姿的少女,长的十分漂亮,楚楚动人。Time lapse quickly and Lady Spidery was already sixteen years old. She was very beautiful and charming.

今天我和妈妈一同去了良凤江公园,我在那里看到了婀娜多姿的紫薇树。Today, Mom and I went together to a good Feng Jiang Park, where I saw the Graceful's Crape Myrtle trees.

随着秋意的加深,我家的兰花开出了一朵朵婀娜多姿的花朵,芳香扑鼻。With the deepening of autumn, my family of orchids out of a blossoming Graceful flowers, fragrant aroma.

我见过的花也很多,有高贵清雅的菊花,有婀娜多姿的水仙等。I have seen there are many flowers, there are noble elegant chrysanthemums, there are Graceful of Shuixian.

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我家的果园里,有亭亭玉立的梨树,也有婀娜多姿的杏树,还有饱经风霜的枣树。My family's orchard, there is slim pear, but also graceful of apricot, as well as weather-beaten jujube tree.

洁白的衣衫,雨水早已打湿,完全贴在瘦弱的身上,显现婀娜多姿的美。White clothes, rain water and wet, completely affixed to the thin body, appear very pretty and charming beauty.

人比花骄,河如凤俏。看婀娜多姿的里东河如何融入博大宽广的曹娥江。Pretty ladies and beautiful rivers. Look how the dancing Lidong river merges into the confort resting Shan River.