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他提议教我学法语。He made an offer to teach me French.

我除了学英语,还学法语。I'm learning French as well as English.

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她是唯一一个正在学法语的。She's the only one who's studying French.

他不但学英语而且学法语。He learns not only English but also French.

学法语的十大好处之四我特别想能读懂法国葡萄酒的标签。I longed to be able to read French wine labels.

我学英语,同时我学法语。I study English. At the same time , I study French.

有的时候我想要是我学法语或日语就好了。Sometimes I wish I were learning French or Japanese.

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她,一位英语专业的学生,也学法语。She, an English-major student, studies French as well.

是的。如果你帮我学数学,我就帮你学法语。Yes. If you help me with math, I'll help you with French.

结果以组织学法为金标准,ELISA的敏感性为89。Result Histologic techiques were regarded as a gold standard.

假如去年你用功学法语的话,今天你就能讲法语了。If you had worked at French harder last year, you could speak it now.

洁美努力认真地学法文,不过却没什么进步。Jamie tried in earnest to learn French, but she made little progress.

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即使广学法教,若无益于自心,也是徒劳。It is futile to learn many teachings if they do not benefit your own mind.

英国里兹都会大学法商学院博士班,攻读创产与文化行销。DBA Course, Faculty of Business and Law, Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

有研究者只从课时变化和学法变化上分析原因。Some researchers only analyzed causes from the class-hour and study method aspect.

铁氧体法是化学法处理电镀含铬废水中较为实用的一种方法。Ferrite method is a practical way to treat chromium containing wastewater chemically.

表面活性剂是化学法废纸脱墨剂的重要组成部分。Surfactant is an important deinking agent constituent in reutilization of waste paper.

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⑥用SABC免疫组织化学法检测感染小鼠脾脏T淋巴细胞亚群。T lymphocyte subgroup in paraffin section of spleen by SABC immunohistochemical method.

本公司是化学法二氧化氯发生器专业制造商。This company is the chemical process chlorine dioxide generator specialized manufacturer.

太可怕了,这那里是什么学法小组,实际就是一个摧残孩子们的“集中营”!It's terrible! What a studying group it was. It's nothing but a camp to ill-treat children!