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第一章,绪言。The first chapter is introduction.

论文包括绪言、正文和结论及建议等三部分的内容。The paper is composed of preface, text and conclusion.

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绪言是关于陶澍研究情况的综述。The introduction is to review literatures about Tao Shu.

全文包括绪言、正文和结束语三部分。The paper includes introduction, content and conclusion.

全文包括绪言、正文和结语。The themes consists of preface , instruction text and ending words.

绪言中包含她对那些帮助过她的人的致谢声明。The preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her.

绪言在提出问题的基础上阐明了本课题的研究方向和意义。In the first part, it clarifies the study direction and meaning of this topic.

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全文包括绪言、正文和结语三个部分。The whole essay includes three parts, they are introduction, body and conclusion.

本文由绪言、正文和结语三部分构成。The thesis is composed of three parts involving introduction, main body and conclusion.

绪言在提出问题的基础上,阐明了本课题的研究方向和意义。In the part of the introduction, the direction and meaning of the research are clarified.

绪言介绍了气候变化的成因和其给地球和人类带来的危害。The preface briefly introduces the cause of climate change and its harm to people and the earth.

绪言简要介绍了选题与研究思路、研究综述及研究方法。The foreword embodies the topic selection, research routs, research summary and the approaches of study.

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本文的绪言主要介绍货币政策中介目标的一些常识性理论。In the introduction, some common theories about the intermediate targets of the monetary policy are introduced.

绪言B,HTTP概述对HTTP进行了简要介绍,着重讲了与性能相关的部分。Chapter B, HTTP Overview provides a short description of HTTP, highlighting the parts that are relevant to performance.

绪言简要说明现代奥运会徽符号审美价值研究的理论意义和现实意义。There are five parts in this thesis. The beginning expresses the significances of studding the sign of Today Olympic Game.

绪言提出了问题,界定了本文的研究范畴,指出了研究的意义、思路和方法。The introduction put forward questions, defines the study category and points out the meaning, things and methods of the study.

第一章绪言以国际会议上“输出中国休闲智慧”的“宣言”为楔子,介绍了课题研究的缘起、背景。The first chapter introduces genesis and background of the study by the"enounce"of"express Chinese recreation culture to all the world".

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绪言部分主要介绍里盖蒂以及他的小提琴协奏曲的概况,随后四章则对这部作品的第一乐章进行剖析。The introduction briefly tells about Ligeti and his violin concerto. And the following 4 chapters provide an analysis of its first movement.

绪言部分谈到了记谱法的产生、发展,说明记谱法的诞生是人类社会发展的产物。The introduction touches upon the birth and development of notation, and shows that the birth of notation is the product of development of human society.

绪言部分概要介绍了本文的选题缘起、界定了研究对象,并简要说明了本文的重点、难点。In the preface, it introduces the origin of selecting the topic, limits the object to be studied and briefly narrates the key points and difficulties in the paper.