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牛奶或奶粉冲剂1杯。Milk or milk powder granule 1 cup.

任何奶粉都不会比母奶好。No powder is as good as mother's milk.

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他试著把奶粉跟水混在一起。He tried to mix water with milk powder.

三鹿奶粉,后妈的选择!Sanlu Milk Powder. Choice of Step-Mothers!

第二家奶粉厂计划于明年八月投入使用。That plant is scheduled to open next August.

梅子、甜奶粉、食用香料等。The slivered prune with sweet creamy powder.

很多婴儿奶粉里都有增加左旋肉碱。Many baby milk powder has increased L-carnitine.

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为什么没给我们奶粉和土豆?Why didn't we get the powdered milk and the spuds?

每片羊奶片蕴含200毫克纯山羊奶粉。Each tablet contains pure goat's milk powder 200mg.

在平底锅里调和牛奶和奶粉。Mix the milk and the powdered milk in the saucepan.

我们的豆奶配方奶粉可以减少宝宝的吵闹和胀气。Our soy formula proven to reduce fussiness and gas.

至于奶粉的原材我想是一样的。As for the raw material milk, I want to be the same.

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深夜,把婴儿奶粉放到吹风筒里。Late at night, fill the hair-dryer with baby powder.

孩子现在三个月大,我一直给他喂奶粉。My three-month-old baby is drinking milk powder now.

这样,那里就成为了贮存尿布和配方奶粉的仓库。So they were the storehouse for diapers and formula.

脱脂奶粉是廉价的蛋白质洗脱剂。Nonfat dry milk is an inexpensive proteinaceous eluent.

你原来用的是美赞晨的奶粉是吗?You originally used the formula Mead morning is not it?

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饼干包装清单全脂奶粉作为配料。Cookie packages list whole milk powder as an ingredient.

脱脂奶粉是出产黄油的副产物。Skimmed milk powder is a by-product of butter production.

用于奶粉、酸奶、饮料、配方食品等产品中。Used for milk powder, yogurt, beverage, formula food, etc.