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欧美没有变矮,但亚非拉长高了。Europe does not grow shorter, but the Asian-African elongated high.

一些亚非拉和东欧等国家的使馆也被安置在这里。Some embassies of Asian-African-Latin countries and East-Europe also situate here.

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亚非拉和其他地区的发展中国家构成第三世界。The developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and elsewhere constitute the third world.

她表示,大部分的预算资金将用于支持在亚非拉和东欧的商业培训和发展项目。She says much of that will support business training and development programs in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.

最后,对亚非拉美等发展中国家的非物质文化遗产立法现状加以分析。Finally, the afro-Asian Latin American developing countries, including non-material cultural heritage legislative situation analysis.

50年代中后期起,我国加大了对亚非拉等社会主义国家的文学作品的译介。From the middle of the 1950s, we strengthened the translation of literary works from some Asian, African and Latin-American countries.

亚非拉以及加勒比海地区超过一半以上的城市人口面临着不只一种与水资源缺乏与恶劣的卫生条件相关的疾病。Half the urban population in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean suffers from one or more diseases associated with inadequate water and sanitation.

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科学家和牲畜育种师们表示,亚非拉发展中国家适应严峻环境的牲畜品种正在处于灭绝的危险中。Livestock breeds adapted to harsh environments in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America are under threat of extinction, say scientists and livestock breeders.

本文运用马列主义民族理论,深刻分析了西方民族主义的蜕变和亚非拉“应激型”民族主义的兴起这两个历史现象,并对两种民族主义进行了比较。In this paper, we use the national theory of Marxism and Leninism to analysis the transformation of western nationalism and the rise of nationalism in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

更广泛地来看,全球范围内还有大量的亚非拉等第三世界国家的数字电视发展速度更慢一些,所以模拟电视将会更长时间地占据它们的市场。More broadly, globally, the development pace of Digital TV in in Asia, Africa and Latin America and other third world country is more slowly, so Analog TV will occupy their markets for a longer time.