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烟雾模糊了我们的视野。Smog obscures our view.

他消失在视野之外。He vanished out of sight.

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一辆火车蜿蜒曲折驶进视野。A train snaked into sight.

我们能将其埋葬于视野之外。We can bury it out of sight.

阅读能开阔我们的视野。Reading broadens our horizons.

船从视野内消失了。The ship disappeared from view.

我们需要开阔我们的视野。We need to broaden our horizons.

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劳伦斯的现代主义视野。H. Lawrences modernist perspective.

从27层楼看的视野。View from 27th floor. December 1931.

断折的巉岩涂现视野。Broken rocks above the field of colour.

事业视野看起来明亮,她补述。Career prospects look bright, she added.

我能让我的学生开阔视野,去看外面的世界。I can my students' to the outside world.

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笑死了,我都没想过视野这个问题。LMFAO! I didn't even think about the view.

你的视野逐渐变得清晰、明确。Your vision becomes clearer, more precise.

海平线上一艘船进入视野。Above the horizon a ship came in our sight.

一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。An enterpriser should have the wide vision.

骑墙中庸的状态将从你的视野中退出。The " in-between" will fade from your view.

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他有良好的视野以及出色的控球技术。He has great vision and moves the ball well.

开阔视野,增长见识。To broden your views and expand knowledge s.

每一间房都有独特的视野和气氛。Each room has its unique view and atmosphere.