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我拿到了学士学位。I get the bachelor's degree.

我拿到了学士学位。I get the bachelor’s degree.

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我有音乐教育的学士学位。I have B.S. in music education.

我有音乐教育的学士学位。I have B. S. in music education.

成长过程中没有学士陪伴。I never had a maester growing up.

伊蒙学士的房间,大人。Maester Aemon's chambers, m'lord.

我想说大概有60个美术专业文学学士。I want to say there are around 60 BFAs

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举办学士班新生辅导说明会。The Freshman Orientation Seminar was held.

我的第一个学士学位是平面设计,I got my first bachelor's in Graphic Design

山姆毕业于一九九六年并获得了理学学士学位。Sam graduated in 1996 and had a B. S degree.

这个,和真正的学士的黑布一样持久的斜纹布。Twill last as long as proper maester's black.

一位老学士,一位歌手,还有一位年轻的事务员。An old maester, a singer, and a young steward.

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和学士学位证不同,毕业证只管六个月。Certificate programs can last just six months.

传学士对着教师的茶杯说教。The preacher preached to the teacher's teacup.

所以,为了拿到学士学位,我真的很想回去,So, I really want to go back for my Bachelor's,

她于一九七四年获文科学士学位。She received a bachelors degree in arts in 1974.

吉林大学法律系法学学士。Bachelor of Law, Fudan University Faculty of Law.

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我告诉他们我的名字是雨果·半学士。I'll tell them that my name is Hugor Halfmaester.

她于一九七四年“获”文科学士学位。She received a bachelor's degree in arts in 1974.

然后大概还有60个表演专业文学学士。and then probably another 60 or so BAs in acting.