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他终于投到我们这一边来。He crossed over to our side at last.

十美分。把钱投到票箱里即可。A dime. Just drop your money into the box.

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请将信投到信箱里。Please drop the letter into the letter-box.

所有这些钱都必须投到其他地方。All that money has to be invested somewhere.

那信误投到我们原来的地址了。The letter was misdirected to our old address.

你只要把两毛五分的硬币投到机器里。很简单。You just put quarters in the machines. It's easy.

我把信投到了街角的邮筒里。I dropped the letter in the mailbox on this corner.

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将信投到那个标有“外埠”的邮箱里。Drop the letter into the mailbox marked "Out of Town".

他把十个人投到一个枯井里活埋。Ten people, he threw down a dry well and buried alive.

邮递员每天将信和包裹投到家里。Every day, mailmen deliver letters and parcels to homes.

他们已经散伙了,把钱投到各地。They have bolted. They've left bills all over the place.

我把所有的钱都投到了证券市场,祝我好运吧!I invested all my money in the stock market. Wish me luck!

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“我所有钱都投到了故事当中”这位学者如是说。"All my money is in the stock market, " says the academic.

然后他把信投到了海尔茂家门口的信箱里。He dropped the letter in the mailbox outside the Helmer home.

我父亲把他所有的钱都投到了加拿大北方铁路的债券上。My father put all his money into Canadian Nothern Railway bonds.

请将简历除投到收件箱外,另外再投一份到我公司电子信箱里。Please send a letter to our HR email box besides the 51job inbox.

很多年前,我把三分之一的股票资金投到了网络产品上。Many years ago, I had one-third of my stock portfolio invested in Cisco.

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中国已经拥有足够的资本投到正确的项目中去。What China possesses already is plenty of capital for the right project.

寄普通信只要投到路边的信筒里就好了,会有人去取的。Send ordinary letters into a roadside mailbox . Someone will take it out.

有一年,失败方曾设法把球投到一口井里来拖延时间。One year, the losing side managed to drop the ball in a well to bide time.