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水仙花是花吗?Is a daffodil a flower?

盛开水仙花的原野?The fields of asphodel?

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水仙花,青青的草地,繁星满天。Daffodils. Green meadows.

水仙花太纯洁了。That daffodil is too pure.

这次,他遇到一朵水仙花。This time, he met a daffodil.

妈咪喜爱淡黄色的水仙花。P14 Mommy loves yellow daffodils.

有几棵水仙花已经开始抽芽。A few daffodils were already poking up.

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空气中散发著水仙花的香味。The scent of the narcissi was in the air.

轻吻你,并且为你献上七朵水仙花。And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.

水仙花和番红花在春天开放。Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring.

草地上长着水仙花真美丽。The meadows were beautiful with narcissuses.

水仙花,青青的草地,繁星满天。Daffodils. Green meadows. Skies full of stars.

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她像一朵在风中颤抖的水仙花。She is like a narcissus trembling in the wind.

蝴蝶不喜欢水仙花做他的新娘。The Butterfly did not like the daffodil as his bride.

蝴蝶也不喜欢水仙花做他的新娘。The Butterfly did not like the daffodil as his bride.

他到我房间里来观赏盛开的水仙花。He came into my room to admire the full-blown narcissi.

因此,我对水仙花加倍照料,每天都给它浇水。Therefore, I double daffodil care gave it a day watering.

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水仙花开得正盛,在晚风中徐徐摆动。The daffodils were in bloom, stirring in the evening breeze.

水仙花和风信子都拍得很漂亮,欣赏了!Nice pictures of beautiful flowers of narcissus and hyacinth.

由于没有精心照料,这株水仙花已经凋萎了。This narcissus has already withered due to careless attention.