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安徽怀远方言属江淮官话。Huaiyuan dialect is subordinate to Jianghuai mandarin.

在去政府办事等正式社交场合中,一般使用成都官话。They always use the Chengdu Mandarin in Formal occasions.

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如果说有,是北方官话还是南方官话?Was it northern Mandarin or southern Mandarin if there was?

高陵方言属于中原官话,是关中片方言的一个地点方言。Gaoling dialect is one branch of the Mandarin of Central Plain.

记者从他那里所得到的,无非是官话。What the reporters got from him was just political doublespeak.

蒲城方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区的陕西关中方言片。Pucheng dialect belongs to the Guanzhong sub-dialect of the Zhongyua.

本文的研究对象是廊坊冀鲁官话区方言。The research object herein is Langfang-Jilu Mandarin district dialects.

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蓬莱方言属于官话方言的胶辽官话。Penglai dialect belongs to Jiaoliao Mandarin of Northern Chinese Mandarin.

万州方言属于汉语北方方言区西南官话成渝方言片的万州话点。Wanzhou dialect belongs to southwest mandarin of northern language family.

玄武方言属于中原官话的豫东片。Xuanwu dialect belongs to the East Henan Section of Central Plains Mandarin.

遵化方言是汉语冀鲁官话区保唐片蓟遵小片的代表方言。The Zunhua dialect is the representative of Jizun dialect of the Jilu Mandrin dialect.

入声通过连读变调,官话的影响继续演变。Because of tone change and effect of Ningyuan Guanhua, entering tone continues to evolve.

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入声在官话区的消失和演变是一个很复杂的问题。The extinction and evolution of rushing tone in mandarin district is a very complex issue.

莱芜位于山东中部,莱芜方言属于冀鲁官话。Laiwu lies in the middle part of Shandong Province, Laiwu dialect belongs to Jilu Manadarin.

本文主要讨论的是黑、吉、辽三省内的东北官话的形容词生动式。In this article, we ll discuss the vivid forms of adjective in the three provinces of Dongbei.

西南官话是现代汉语北方方言的一个重要分支,成都话是西南官话的代表方言。The southwest mandarin is one of the important branches of mandarin in modern Chinese language.

固始话虽然隶属中原官话,但与以郑州话为代表的中原官话差别较大。Gushi dialect is subordinate to Zhongyuan Mandarin, but greatly different from Zhengzhou dialect.

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首先列表分析它们的差异并归纳其类型,然后总结官话方言人称代词的特点。In pronunciation, the pronunciation of the first personal pronouns is complex in GuanHua dialects.

禹州方言隶属北方方言,是中原官话的一个小方言片。Yuzhou Dialect is one branch of the central mandarin which is a sub-dialect of the Northern Dialect.

语法方面,与东南方言相比,官话方言有意义真正虚化的复数词尾。In grammar, comparing with the southeast dialects, there is the real plural suffix in GuanHua dialects.