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LVDS四驱动程序。牵头完成热焊蘸。LVDS quad driver. Lead finish hot solder dipped.

tATu是尤丽亚和丽娜两人组成的一个俄罗斯女子演唱组,是由电视剧本作者兼导演伊万•沙波瓦洛夫于2000年初牵头成立的。tATu is a Russian girl group composed of Yulia and Lena.

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已同意牵头开展组建工作,对此我很高兴。I am delighted that Ernesto Zedillo has agreed to lead this work.

塔方是上海合作组织禁毒合作的牵头方。Tajikistan is the initiator of SCO narcotics control cooperation.

萨尔科奇率直地说美国没能在环境问题上牵头。The US is failing to lead on the environment, Sarkozy says bluntly.

由Cerberus牵头的一批投资者目前持有通用汽车金融服务公司的多数股权。A group of investors led by Cerberus holds a majority stake in GMAC.

长江集团是真如城市副中心的牵头开发商。Cheung Kong Group is a sub-center of the city as the lead developer.

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外资银行可以作为牵头行、联合牵头行或副牵头行。Foreign banks may serve as lead or co-lead banks of syndicated loans.

美国农业部是这份新报告的牵头机构。The Department of Agriculture was the lead agency for the new report.

该组织牵头的网络抗议活动迫使这一节日紧急喊停。The group led online campaigns to force cancellation of the festival.

这项研究是由两大人物牵头,进行了很多很多年It was undertaken with two primary figures at its head for many, many years.

实验由来自马萨诸塞总医院汉斯-布莱特博士牵头进行。The research was led by Dr. Hans C. Breiter of Massachusetts General Hospital.

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该计划由政府IT解决方案提供商美国系统公司牵头。The initiative is led by American Systems -- a government IT solutions provider.

新英格兰百岁老人研究的牵头人汤姆·博斯解释了他们的发现成果。Tom Perls, who heads the New England Centenarian Study, explains what they found.

本次学术研究邀请美国麻省理工学院建筑系主任张永和先生担任牵头人。The research organizer is Mr. Zhang Yonghe, the dean of Architecture Faculty, MIT.

我很高兴中国香港今天能牵头肩负这项崇高任务。I am pleased that Hong Kong, China is today at the centre of this admirable enterprise.

经过几周的外交努力和迫于公众压力,中国同意了由美国牵头的联合国针对伊朗的制裁。China agreed to the U.S.-led U.N. sanctions after weeks of diplomacy and public pressure.

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指由主承销银行牵头,由若干银行参加组成的银团所安排的大额贷款。A large loan arranged by a group of banks that form a syndicate, headed by the lead manager.

这一成就很大程度上要归因于政府牵头将新加坡推广为地区艺术中心的努力。Much of this is due to a strong state-led effort to promote Singapore as a regional arts hub.

该项研究由伦敦大学金史密斯学院的神经系统科学家帕特里克·费根博士牵头进行。The research was led by neuroscientist Dr Patrick Fagan from Goldsmiths University in London.