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进去看菜单都是南亚两广菜色。Go in and see the menu is south by comparing menu.

为两广培养了许多新式人才。It educated a lot of new talents for Guangdong and Guangxi.

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患病人群主要分布在河南及两广地区。People with anaplasmosis usually live in Henan, Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.

两广和浙江是吃早餐人数最多的省份,女性以广东、男性以上海的休闲生活最为丰富。Female youths in Guangdong and male in Shanghai had more amusements in spare time.

东汉在此设立交州,管辖两广及越南北部地区。The Han Dynasty administered Guangdong, Guangxi, and northern Vietnam as Jiao Province.

1936年两广地质调查所派员调查。In 1936, Liangguang geological investigation institute dispatched its staff to investigate.

通过引种两广优良种源家系的试验,结果表明,马尾松不同种源的选择效果是不同的。The results demonstrated that the selective effects of various Pines massoniana provenances were different.

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20世纪20年代后期,该校生物系师生实地调查了两广瑶族。In the late of 1920s, the teachers and students of the biology department surveyed the Guangdong and Guangxi Yao.

国语运动是“两广事变”后广东教育领域的一项重大活动。The Mandarin Campaign was an important event in the education sector of Guangdong after the "Guangdong Guangxi Incident".

历史上,伏波神是百越人所崇奉的神灵,主要流行于岭南的两广、海南等地。In our history, as a god worshipped by people of Baiyue, Fubo God was popular in the areas of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan.

越人则自新石器时代后期开始就分布在自东南沿海到两广、云贵的广大区域内。Yue people lived in the area from southeast coast to Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Guizhou from the late neolithic age on.

研究表明,两广在发展大众体育中存在差异,对产生差距的原因进行分析,并提出了发展广西大众体育的对策与建议。It was revealed that there were differences in the development of sport for all. In view of this, relative countermeasure were proposed.

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“广东”和毗邻的广西从字面意思分别为“宽阔的东部”和“宽阔的西部”,因此,人们将广东与广西并称为“两广”。"Guangdong" and neighboring Guangxi literally mean "expanse east" and "expanse west". Together, Guangdong and Guangxi are called the "Dual-Guangs".

该事件涉及两广总督、广东巡抚、广州将军、广东布政使等多位地方大员。Many local officers, such as the governor of both Guangdong and Guangxi, the governor of Guangdong, the general of Guangzhou and so on involved in this incident.

首先,对国内外研究现状及相关理论的研究为两广产业转移中实际问题的分析提供了可靠的理论依据。Fistly, the study on the relevant international and intra-national theories and research provides a reliable theoretical basis for the analysis of real situation.

作者等在两广交界罗定一带新发现了中晚古生代的枕状熔岩和二叠—三叠纪的构造混杂岩,结合区域构造,分析并提出了钦州-岑溪-罗定-云浮构造混杂带的存在。Based on the Middle-Late Paleozoic pillow lava and Permian-Triassic tectonic melange, this paper shows that there is a melange zone along Qinzhou-Cenxi-Luoding-Yunfu.