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放眼远望,海天一色。Far-sighted, sea and sky merged.

放眼望去,都是舒适的房间。Cozy rooms look out over the district.

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放眼极目,有瓷的地方,就有文化。Look far, porcelain, there is culture.

放眼望去,一条条铁路纵横在我眼前。Look closely, a horizontal rail in front of me.

你显然需要有放眼全球的眼光。You have to obviously have aglobal perspective.

她渐渐放眼去看那天鹅绒般的暮色。Her eyes moved gradually out into the velvet dusk.

从草原上放眼望去,龙石山依然看得见。Dragonstone was still visible above the grasslands.

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放眼望去,整个鸡场狼藉一片,触目惊心。Looking ahead, the whole chicken in a mess, shocking.

放眼全球,情况大同小异。If you look around the world, it's the same kind of thing.

德赛人总是放眼未来,志存高远!Desay people always have great ambition and long perspective.

放眼望去也不见警卫或其它权力标属。There were no visible guards or other appurtenances of power.

放眼未来,胸襟开阔,用智慧创造价值。Looking to the future, broad-minded, with wisdom creates value.

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站在田野边,放眼望去,到处是丰收的景象。Standing on the field side, everywhere we look, bumper harvests.

我们到了目的地——市政府广场,放眼望去,游人如织。When we arrived, the government square was packed with visitors.

放眼望去,唐吉柯德看见一间客栈,且把它想像成一座城堡。At that moment, he sees an roadside inn and imagines it a castle.

放眼望去,远远的小山坡上一片红艳艳的,那是一片枫树林。Look, , far the hillside of a piece of red, that's a maple forest.

但事实上,放眼四望,海边只有林立的礁石,根本就没有一片沙滩。The reality is a rocky shoreline with no beaches anywhere in sight.

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因此,我们不仅要放眼东方,还要懂得放眼南方。We need to turn our competitive minds not only east, but also south.

让我们放眼将来,把握现在,珍惜并过好我们的每一天!Let us look to the future, grasp the present , and cherish every day!

放眼望去,这片区域是沼泽而富水丰沃的。The natural landscape in this region is generally marshy and well watered.