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哎,中国,今年实在是多事之秋。The ah, China, really is a troublous times this year.

1968年是全世界政局的多事之秋。The year 1968 was one of political upheaval throughout the world.

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对于像洛比尼这样致力于国际经济学研究的学者来说,上世纪90年代可谓多事之秋。The ’90s were an eventful time for an international economist like Roubini.

中国的这个多事之秋充满暴力性,李玮锋的黑脚终于捅破了天。China's troubled times violent, Li Weifeng of Blackfoot finally piercing the day.

在20世纪中期这个多事之秋,我国长篇小说的创作却出现了一派繁荣景象。In the mid-20th century the creation of Chinese novels presented a flouring scene.

即便用过去的标准来进行衡量,这也还是个多事之秋。It’s been an eventful time, even by the standards set in the past couple of years.

看来接下来的几个月注定是多事之秋,而且还是多灾多难。Just another way in which the coming months promise to be eventful, and not in a good way.

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2008年底,在经历了多事之秋的一年休假期之后,我正式辞去了普林斯顿大学的教授职位。I formally resigned from the Princeton faculty at the end of 2008, after an eventful, one-year leave of absence.

研究者们说,尽管做起来很难,但是在多事之秋,人们需要从生活的最简单的快乐中获取安慰。It may be difficult, but in troubled times, researchers say, people need to take comfort from life’s simplest pleasures.

当时为第三大联机服务提供商的AOL在经过最初的多事之秋后,于一年前刚刚上市。AOL, then the third-largest online service provider, had gone public only a year earlier, after some fairly rocky beginnings.

现在还是多事之秋,各种思想还要继续暴露出来,希望同志们注意。It is still eventful now, and all kinds of ideas will go on obtruding themselves. I hope you comrades here will keep your eyes open.

目前克林顿总统正在多事之秋,美国国内外有很多人因为他的绯闻安而对克林顿总统表示强烈的不满和批评。Now President Clinton is in great trouble, some Americans have expressed their strong complaints and criticism over his sex scandal.

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2008年终于结束!对我们大多数人来说2008年绝对是一个多事之秋!老张祝愿大家在新的一年里开开心心,事业发达!Finally 2008 comes to a close! Certainly an eventful year for most of us! I wish all of you here a very happy and prosperous New Year!

在这个多事之秋,美国国债仍被认为是世界上最安全的投资选择之一。During these troubled times, United States Treasury bonds are still currently considered one of safest places to put your money in the world.

作为一个记者,她知道“给阿富汗的谁打电话能找到一个中介人,谁可以带你进入多事之秋的巴黎清真寺”。As a reporter, she knows “whom to call in Afghanistan to get a fixer and who can take you into the troubled mosques in the banlieues of Paris.”

以上种种错综复杂的问题无疑将使美巴关系面临考验,两国关系从而进入多事之秋。All these issues will undoubtedly complicated US-Pakistan relations are facing a test to enter the troubled relations between the two countries.

但是值此欧盟金融健康状况的多事之秋,欧洲的财长们会任由希腊违约吗?But can we say that Europe's most powerful finance ministers will let the country default at this very precarious time for the financial health of the European Union?