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这种软膏能减轻疼痛。This ointment will calm the pain.

揉搓软膏使其渗入皮肤。Rub the ointment well in the skin.

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他用软膏揉擦发痛的双腿。He rubbed his aching legs with liniment.

医生给他开了治疗脱皮的软膏。He received ointment for his flaking skin.

这种软膏能使烫伤痊愈。This kind of ointment will heal the scald.

每天三次搽用这管软膏。Apply this tube of jelly three times a day.

涂抹辣椒素软膏后不要穿紧身衣或者使用绷带。Don't put tight clothing or bandages over the cream.

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没有必要涂太厚的软膏。It is not necessary to apply thick layer of ointment.

我听说这软膏治苔癣病有效。I heard the ointment is effective for treating lichen.

我只好用了一次醋酸氟轻松软膏,一次就好了。I had to use an acetate fluocinolone ointment, one just fine.

敷少量软膏,轻轻涂抹。Apply a small amount of cream or ointment and rub it in gently.

目的制订青黛软膏的质量标准。Objective To establish the quality standard of indigo ointment.

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不久我就发现卢卡斯把涂在它身上的抗生素软膏一点点地舔了下来。Afterwards I noticed Lucas licking the Neosporin off of his sore.

古埃及人也把蜂蜜软膏用来治疗各种伤病。Ancient Egyptians made ointments of honey to treat various injuries.

例如,烧伤等所用的镇痛软膏中就含有当归。For example, Dang Gui is found in balms to help with burns and such.

为避免真菌感染,可以使用一些必要的软膏。In case of any fungal infection, necessary ointments can be applied.

说明夏塔热片合用其软膏能调节机体免疫功能。It is indicated that XT & O can modulate the immune function in mice.

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目的建立三黄软膏质量控制方法。Objective To establish a quality control method for Sanhuang ointment.

目的对四环素软膏薄层色谱鉴别法进行改进。Objective To improve the TLC identification of Unguentum tetracycline.

现代社会还在使用凡士林作为皮肤软膏。Our modern society continues to use petroleum jelly as a skin ointment.