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这个城堡座落在山顶上。The castle lies on a hilltop.

我们的机器设备座落在那里。That's where the machines are.

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上海元立阀门有限公司座落在…Shanghai Yuan Li Valve Co. , Ltd.

这个城市座落在群山之中。The town nestles among the hills.

依瓜苏瀑布不座落于哪里?Where is not Iguazu Falls located?

这栋房子座落在三岔路口。The house stood where three roads met.

一座碉楼座落在山顶上。On top of the hill stands a watchtower.

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老师的家是个小别墅,座落在一个大花园里。It is a small villa with a large garden.

在科茨沃尔德的东部座落着牛津城。In the eastern part of the Cotswolds lies Oxford.

灵岩山寺座落于灵岩山顶部,位于苏州郊区的木渎镇。It is located in Mudu, a suburban town of Suzhou.

我公司座落于美丽的杭州。Our company is located in the beautiful Hangzhou.

我们的学校座落在近郊区。Our school is situated in the near out-skirt area.

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座落在牛津郡的布福德是一个有趣的老地方。Burford in Oxfordshire is an interesting old place.

新华座落在乌节路百利宫5楼。Sin Hua Gallery, located at the Level 5 of Paragon.

创办于2006年2月,公司座落在美丽的城市江苏姜堰。Supeng Biotech Co. , Ltd was set up in February 2006.

公司座落于美丽的滇池湖畔。The company is located in the beautiful Dianchi Lake.

巨型水泵座落在几米远的遥不可及的地方,有些甚至生锈了。Giant pumps lay metres out of reach. Some are rusting.

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该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。The mansion is on a promontory, high over the Pacific.

哈雷阿卡拉火山座落于茂宜岛海拔10,023英尺之上。Haleakala rises 10,023 feet above Maui's coastal areas.

该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。The mansion was on a promontory, high over the Pacific.