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一个蒙面男子抓住基斯的手。A hooded man grabbed Keith's hand.

他是一次蒙面抢劫的受害者。He is the victim of a masked holdup.

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所以我就以卡卡西的蒙面作为结束。So it ended up as Kakashi's special feature.

蒙面人像幽灵一般穿过月光下的院落。The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard.

兵众皆蒙面,或枪或步,或乘马匹。Bing Zhong Jie masked, or gun, or steps, or ride horses.

德诺见岳灵珊认出了自己便也不再蒙面隐藏。See, lenient to recognize themselves and masked hide no more.

快速建立您的蒙面分公司联系,在不到5分钟。Quickly create your masked affiliate link in less than 5 minutes.

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秦琼来到长安,忽然被一蒙面人士约见。QinQiong came to changan, suddenly by a masked people appointment.

你我素未蒙面,却如此相帮,不甚感激。有你这样的朋友真好!He likes to help others , but i am sure he doesn't need any thanks.

杰巴利亚,一名蒙面哈马斯成员察看被炸毁的房屋。A masked member of Hamas surveys the rubble of a house in Jebaliyah.

这显示原始图像,蒙面与当前的选择。This displays the original image, masked with the current selection.

蝙蝠是瞎子,它们吊在洞穴中,蒙面的十字军战士就是从蝙蝠的身上获得了灵感。They're blind, they hang out in caves and they inspire masked crusaders.

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他放下话筒,瞥了赛蒙面前的茶杯一眼,皱了皱眉。He put down the phone, glanced at the tea-cup in front of Simon , and frowned.

贤雄注意到蒙面只出现在大哲的工作地,开始对蒙面着手调查。Xianxiong noticed only in the masked work, began to investigate on the masked.

有没有注意到电影中的“坏人”大多是蒙面的?Has anyone ever noticed that "bad-guys" in moves tend to have their faces hidden?

三个讲塞尔维亚语的蒙面男子挥动着进攻性武器伏击了警车。Three masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car.

这里展示的是一个蒙面田凫瞬膜,因为它在它的眼睛关闭。Shown here is the nictitating membrane of a masked lapwing as it closes over its eye.

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多贡是最著名的为他们的蒙面舞蹈,木雕和建筑。The Dogon are best known for their masked dances, wooden sculptures and architecture.

或模式,一名蒙面毛巾发了一条毛巾和面巾,希望你能帮助。Or a pattern for a hooded towel made out of a towel and a washcloth, hope you can help.

据目击者称,在托克斯泰斯出现了200多名蒙面的年轻人。There were also reports from an eyewitness of up to 200 youths wearing masks in Toxteth.