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在顺门街马头巷里。The horse tossed its head.

他突然掉转马头返回到大门。Heed his horse back to the gate.

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女王的马以一马头之距领先获胜。The Queen's horse won by a head.

那是一个马头的形状。It had the shape of a horse's head.

女王的马以一马头之距离获胜。Queen's horse win by a head advantage.

他看见那个丑姑娘就掉转马头。He changed his horse when he saw the ugly girl.

福安市马头造船有限责任公司。Ma Fu'an shipbuilding limited liability company.

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他的手杖上雕刻着一个马头。His walking stick was carved with a horse's head.

车夫把鞭子在马头上方挥舞得噼啪作响。The driver cracked the whip above the horse's head.

它之所以被这样命名,是因为它的形状跟马头很相似。As its name suggests, it is shaped like a horse’s head.

马绊了一下,骑者就从马头上面跌了下来。The horse stumbled and the rider was shot over its head.

士兵迅速掉转马头,跳进河里。The soldier turned his horse quickly and plunged into the river.

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波尔山羊对改良马头山羊的生产性能具有很好的效果。Boer goats can improve significantly production performance of Matou goats.

她克制住颤抖,非常轻柔地弯下腰去抚摸马头。Overcoming her shudders, she bent over very gently to caress the horse's head.

此时一片寂静,我们掉转马头,马儿开始飞奔起来。Savoring the silence, we turned our horses around and they fell into a gallop.

镶以黑色齿状边缘铜色衬底上,一个红鬃红眼的黑色马头。A black horse's head, eyes and mane red, on bronze within a black engrailed border.

马头星云底部里的亮点,是来自正在新生阶段的年轻恒星。Bright spots in the Horsehead Nebula's base are young stars just in the process of forming.

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热尔科夫和值日校官贴近马鞍弯下腰来,调转马头跑开了。Zherkov and the staff-officer bent forward over their saddles and turned their horses away.

夏侯惇的凶猛稍有收敛,他调转马头走向他的主力部队。Xiahou Dun's ferocity had then somewhat abated and he turned his steed toward his main army.

煤气公司位于大埔和马头角的两间厂房,负责生产煤气。Towngas is manufactured in plants at Tai Po and Ma Tau Kok, both using naphtha as a feedstock.