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我走向狗窝。I go to the doghouse.

小丑走向魔术师。Clowns go to Trickster.

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前进,走向宿命的坟冢。Ever onward to the grave.

这个世界在逐渐走向地狱。The world’s going to hell.

小丑走向魔术师。Clowns go to the Trickster.

那么,它将带领我们走向何方?So where does this lead us?

他受诱惑而走向毁灭。He was lured to destruction.

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他闲荡着走向对面的酒吧。He moseyed across to the bar.

老狼先生走向窗。Mr. Wolf walks to the window.

正确走向极端即成谬误。Extreme right is extreme wrong.

从今走向繁荣富强。From now on towards prosperity.

他走向门去企图逃跑。He steps to the door to escape.

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有些这种走向的证据。There is some evidence for this.

硕博是您走向英文的成功桥梁!G. M. E is the bridge to English!

我走向大地,端着杜松子酒。I offer to this ground, this gin.

捡起斧头走向门去。Pick up the ax. Walk to the door.

山岭在残阳的燃烧中走向夜晚。Set the mountain aflame to-night.

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她走向咖啡机。She heads for the coffee machine.

小丑走向丽诺儿的房间。The jester went to Lenore's room.

我们正在慢慢走向完善。We are inching towards perfection.