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这就是理财的作用。That's what finance is about.

内人没有理财的概念。My wife has no concept of money.

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嘉信理财称这一起诉没有道理.Schwab said the lawsuit lacks merit.

聪明的个人理财书都很没劲。Smart personal finance is boring, too.

同样,嘉信理财是一个很好的例子。Again, Charles Schwab is a good example.

一个好处是理财咨询。One privilege is financing consultation.

这才是真正的理财乐观主义。That is what true financial optimism is.

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我们还提供一个很好的理财计划。We also offer a very good financing plan.

贵行提供网上个人理财吗?Do you provide personal management online?

我感觉莱恩将来会在理财方面做得不错。I get the sense that Ryan will do just fine.

刘晏是唐代著名的理财家。Liu Yan is a famous financier in Tang Dynasty.

那年老的理财神甫两手相握,大声说道The old warden clasped his hands and exclaimed

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理财是一件琐杂的事情。Managing money matters is messy and troublesome.

一个善于理财的人在资金运用上是很节俭的。A good manager is frugal in the use of his funds.

且看她对贾府的理财规划。Let us look at her fiscal plan for the Jia mansion.

用我们的理财指南打理你的财产。Whip your finances into shape with our Money Guide.

平均一个星期使用多少次网上理财服务?。How many times do you use e-banking services per week?

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你的星运指数高,这和理财风险是没有关系的。Luck is with you, regardless of the financial venture.

毫无疑问,这位理财神甫是起了决定性作用的。The churchwarden had certainly played a decisive part.

你对学习理财产品有兴趣吗?Are you interested in learning about financial products?