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我不想玩欲擒故纵的游戏。I am not playing hard to get.

你看欲擒故纵我想约见史密斯师长。I'd like to make a meeting with Mr.

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玩一把欲擒故纵的把戏吧。An aloof attitude will do the trick.

有些女孩子喜欢玩欲擒故纵的把戏。Some girls like to play hard to get.

我想,她大概想跟我玩“欲擒故纵”的游戏吧。I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get.

大概你想跟我玩“欲擒故纵”的游戏吧。I guess you're trying to play hard-to-get.

他向她温柔地推了推,她用鼻子爱抚他,欲擒故纵。He nudged her gently. She nuzzled him back.

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不,她喜欢你。她只是欲擒故纵。Yes, she does. Shes just playing hard to get.

男生会喜欢爱玩欲擒故纵游戏的女生吗?Do boys like girls who enjoy playing hard-to-get?

当我和他在一起的时候,我最不想做的事情就是欲擒故纵。When I was with my guy, the last thing I did was play hard to get.

夏洛特虽然想玩欲擒故纵,但也不愿就这样唐突地结束。Though Charlotte was determined to play hard-to-get, she didn't want to end the evening too abruptly.

眼下,你可能想要别人继续追你,同时你却在玩着欲擒故纵的把戏。For the time being, you might want to let the other person pursue while you play a little hard to get.

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妈妈不晓得谁把罐子里的饼干偷吃的精光,但她知道只要她装欲擒故纵,就能抓住偷吃的人。Mother didn’t know who robbed the cookie jar, but she thought she could catch him if she gave him enough rope.

欲擒故纵法是环境工艺哲学意义上的一般方法。Releasing in order to catch is one of the general methods in view point of philosophy of environmental technology.

也许这和你所想的恰恰相反,但是这招欲擒故纵会增强它的诱惑力。This may seem to do the opposite of what you want it to, but by making something forbidding, the allure of it becomes stronger.

广告创意常用而且有效的策略有出奇制胜、欲擒故纵和实话实说等。The paper would introduce some creative strategies that mostly used in creation of advertisement, and analyze their psychological basis.

瑞秋认定丹尼为她钟情,并认为他欲擒故纵只是想在关系中占据上风而已。Rachel is convinced that Danny likes her and that his apparent apathy toward her is just a ploy to gain the upper hand in their relationship.

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“你能做的最聪明的事情就是欲擒故纵,”在一次吃饭我谈论我的男女关系问题的时候,我的好朋友贝卡说到。"The smartest thing you can do is play hard to get, " said my best friend, Becca, during a brunch at which I was discussing my relationship troubles.

“你能做的最聪明的事情就是欲擒故纵,”在一次吃饭我谈论我的男女关系问题的时候,我的好朋友贝卡说到。“The smartest thing you can do is play hard to get, ” said my best friend, Becca, during a brunch at which I was discussing my relationship troubles.

男性玩欲擒故纵是想让自己看起来更有自信或更迷人。而欲擒故纵能让女性看起来有种神秘感。Men play hard to get in order to appear more confident and intriguing while by playing hard-to-get, a woman establishes a sense of mystery about herself.