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向他们打开心扉。Open up to others.

所以,敞开你的心扉吧。So open your heart.

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我感到一阵痛彻心扉的内疚。I felt a twinge of guilt.

那么,你愿意敞开你的心扉吗?Are you willing to open up?

打开你的思想,打开你的心扉。Open your mind. Open your heart.

转身后的痛彻心扉你感觉不到!Turn the enough trails you feel!

让我在这一刻,痛彻心扉。Let me at this moment, the heart.

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敞开你的心扉和我一起哭泣。Open your hearts and weep with me.

你不能敞开心扉对我,那么我也不要了。I don't need the wishy-washy thing.

你重重地扣开了我的心扉之门。You knock the door of my heart deeply.

用我的炙热融化你冰冻已久的心扉!Hot melt you with my long-frozen heart!

作家向全世界敞开他的心扉。The author bared his heart to the world.

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坎齐·萨顿打开了自己的银行……和心扉。Kinzie Sutton opened her bank—and her heart.

这种痛彻心扉的感觉能提醒我,她真的存在过。The pain is my only reminder that he was real.

给我们一点空间,我们也会尝试向你们敞开心扉!Give us a chance, and maybe we'll open up to you.

敞开你的心扉,因此我可以再次与你亲近。Open your hearts, so I may again be closer to you.

风儿叩开我们的心扉,让爱如潮水般涌来。And open our hearts, let love emerge like tidewater.

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打开你的心扉去认识更多的人。Open up your mind and deliberately meet more people.

翀莫让自己困在内,打开心扉喜悦来。Don't let yourself trapped inside, open the heart joy.

敞开你的心扉,让它成为一种接触。To open your heart and let it become a kind of contact.