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这是女丑“春秋。It was the Comediennes' Spring.

适宜在春秋露地及保护地栽培。In autumn production and site cultivation.

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萨巴赫家族统治科威特至今已284个春秋。Sabah Family had ruled Kuwait for 284years.

春秋航空有限公司董事长王正华。Spring Airlines Co. Chairman Wang Zhenghua.

春秋战国时期是中国思想史的黄金时代。Period was a golden age of Chinese ideology.

春秋多佳日。There are many fine days in spring and autumn.

我们的银行自1912年成立以来已经度过了92春秋。Our bank has been existed for 92 years since 1912.

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春秋时期,有一个名叫庄周的人。In ancient times, there was a man named Zhuangzhou.

她在这所大学教书已有20个春秋。She has taught in this university for twenty years.

春秋时期,吴国和越国之间进行了一场战争,吴王不幸受了重伤,不久就死了。The King of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died.

春秋战国时期,江都先后属吴、越。Spring and Autumn period, Jiangdu has an Wu and Yue.

春秋代序,人死人生。Spring replaces autumn, and man repeats his creation.

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清明节可以追溯到春秋时代。Its origin dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period.

墓主人是一位应国国君,墓葬的埋葬年代为春秋早期早段。The occupant of the tomb was a King of the Ying State.

宋襄公是公元前七世纪春秋时代宋国的国君。Duke Hsiang of Sung ruled in the Spring and Autumn Era.

那天下午她做着春秋大梦,睡冒了。She slept over that afternoon, dreaming on the hotel bed.

春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。The Warring States era, a father and his son off to fight.

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春秋两季花青苷的含量较高,而叶绿素含量则是在夏季最高。The content of anthocyanin is higher in spring and autumn.

斗转星移,世博会已经走过了158个春秋。Time goes by and the World Expo has gone through 158 years.

春秋时代有个人射箭的技术非常高超。In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was an expert archer.