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罪犯擦掉全部指印。The criminal obliterated all fingerprints.

脚印和指印给警察提供了线索。Footprints and fingerprints gave a clue to the police.

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她小心地把油漆上的指印擦掉。She carefully rubbed off the finger-mark from the paint.

那位笨贼把他的指印留在犯罪现场。The dumb thief left his fingerprints at the crime scene.

它现在可以弹回来,并让你的指印消失。It is now ready to roll out and cover with your toppings.

那张纳税通知单上满是那位参议员的指印。That tax bill had the senator's fingerprints all over it.

她小心地把图画上的指印擦掉。She carefully rubbed off the finger-mark from the painting.

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我对着镜子上的小指印含笑,没去擦。I smiled at the little fingerprints on my mirror. I didn't wipe them off.

现在自考考试的时候,在考场是要按指印来身份的。Now Zikao exam, according to the examination room is a fingerprint for identity.

但三个指印说服了他,于是他便带着孩子们离开了济贫院。He was convinced by the three marks, and the children were taken from the workhouse.

警方找不到指印或其他线索来帮助他们侦破抢劫案件。The police can find no finger print or other clue to help them in solving the robbery.

五个青紫色的点——包括拇指的五个手指指印留了在她的雪白的手腕上。Five little livid spots the marks of four fingers and a thumb were printed upon the white wrist.

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每个人都那张写有他们名字的大纸上印下他们的手指印。Have everyone imprint a fingerpaint handprint on a big sheet of paper with their name underneath.

在乙醇手部冲淋消毒现场确认中,所有人员五手指印微生物检测均为阴性。The five fingerprint contact plates were all negative after hand showering disinfection using ethanol.

我又重新做了一次,已经足够重以至于她的胳膊上留下了一道道红的白的指印,几秒钟之后指印便消失了。I do it again, hard enough to leave a white and red mark that lingers for some seconds and then vanishes.

被扣留人拒不签字或者捺指印的,应当予以注明。The detainee's refusal to sign or press down his fingerprint shall be indicated in the Detainment Decision.

手指在触摸之前之后均在细菌培养板上留指印以检测转移的细菌是否存在。Handprints in agar jelly before and after testing were used to determine the presence of bacterial transfer.

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把面团反过来,用你的拳头按一按。它现在可以弹回来,并让你的指印消失。Turn the dough out and press it down with your fist. It is now ready to roll out and cover with your toppings.

它是如此的薄,以至于烟粒、指印、灰尘或者头发都可能引起磁头划伤。It is so thin that a smoke particle, fingerprint, dust, or human hair could cause what is known as a head crash.

我们了解珍道的什么?,我在查全国失踪的人做她的指印,并让画家素描她。What do we have on Jane Doe? l'm checking missing persons nationwide. Run her prints, have an artist do a sketch.