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柏树叶子有药理作用吗?Does cypress leaf have pharmacodynamics effect?

我不了解生物和药理方面的细节。I don't know the biological and medical details.

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全国胸外科临床药理基地。National thoracic surgery clinical pharmacology base.

目的合成新的香豆素磺酰脲类化合物供药理筛选。AIM To prepare a serious new coumarin-6-sulfonylureas.

急需药理问答答案。Be badly in need of pharmacodynamics interlocution answer.

这种药物和抗生素的药理不同,波尔莫提醒道。The drug works differently than antibiotics, Bolmer noted.

对单味矿物药的药理作用研究近况进行归纳总结。This paper reviews the research status of single mineral drug.

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请问知道最好的免疫药理实验市么,谢谢!Thanks a lot. Do you know some famouse labs about neuroscience?

仅仅50毫克的咖啡因就能产生药理效果。As little as 50mg of caffeine can produce pharmacological effects.

洛凯谁知道它的药理作用和有关内容?Who knows Luo Kai its pharmacodynamics action and concerned content?

目的观察镇咳止喘咀嚼片的主要药理作用。ObjectiveTo observe pharmacological effects of Zhenke Zhichuan Tablets.

目的探讨迷迭香酸药理研究近况。OBJECTIVE Progress in recent pharmacological studies of Rosmarinic acid.

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对其临床药理和临床研究进行综述。Its clinical pharmacology and clinical studies are reviewed in this paper.

目的研究五痹胶囊治疗系统性硬皮病的药理作用。Objective To study the pharmacological action of Wubi capsule on sclerosis.

一些提供药理遗传检测报告已经推翻了上述结论。Some of those offering pharmacogenetic tests have already refuted the claim.

本文对国内外石榴的药理作用研究进行了综述。The pharmacological actions of punica granatum L. are reviewed in this paper.

对林蛙油的成分、药理作用和展望作了综述。OBJECTIVE To summarize ingredient and pharmacological action of Oviductus Ranae.

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本文对裙带菜的药理作用研究行了总结。In this report we conclude about pharmacological activity of Undaria Pinnatifida.

对近年来有关吴茱萸有效成分的药理研究进行概括。The effective components in Fructus Evodiae have lots of pharmacological effects.

目的研究中药辛夷二氯甲烷提取物的药理作用。Object To study the pharmacological effects of CH 2Cl 2 extract of Flos Magnoliae.