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但这对塑造品格很有帮助。It's very character-building.

那摩丝可以帮助塑造我的发型。The mousse helps shape my hair.

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它塑造了我对这世界的观感。It shaped my sense of the world.

他将他们塑造成一支非凡的队伍。He moulded them into a super team.

它塑造你,优化你,改进你It molds, refines, and polishes you

我塑造一个新的胖胖的犹太人形象。I created a new look for rotund Jews.

我们是自己命运的塑造者!We are the shaper of our own destiny.

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雕塑家用粘土塑造了这个女孩子的形象。The sculptor figured the girl in clay.

为你塑造完美无瑕的定妆效果。Create prefect and flawless fix effect.

它一直在塑造着我的个性和自我。It figures my personality and selfhood.

那就是你怎样塑造你的未来。That is how you will shape your future.

你认识这件雕塑的塑造者吗?。Do you know the shaper of this sculpture?

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他是一位擅长于塑造人物性格的作家。He is a writer skilled in characterizing.

所有的战帅都按照他的形象重新塑造过。All Warmasters were remodeled in his image.

这件事会塑造人的生活观和死亡观。It must frame your sense of life and death.

塑造销售团队价值链。Shaping the value chain of the sales team6.

那由“时间”塑造的最邪恶的形象。And bloody Faith, the foulest birth of time.

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次元经常被非次元所塑造。Dimension is always shaped by non-dimension.

塑造钉子,使用一个文件或金刚砂董事会。Shape the nail, using a file or emery board.

你的世界混沌一片由此塑造。And made thy world an undistinguishable heap.