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哪里会有旧苹果产品。There's no such thing as an old Apple product.

将套用到所有旧迷你游戏。That will apply to all the old mini-games as well.

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许多新娘佩戴一件家传的珠宝饰品作为“有旧”的选择。Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item.

战士中也有旧的塔利班,但我的大多数同伴都是新加入的。There are old Taliban, but most of the fighters in my unit are new.

我们已经到了我家楼下,克莱尔和我一前一后进了那狭小的电梯,我关上电梯门,按了11层的那个按钮,她的身上有旧衣服和肥皂的味道,甜甜的,她的围巾毛茸茸的。Clare precedes me into the tiny elevator. I close the door and push eleven.

是枝从只有旧记忆的关根身上,得到了新的体会。Kore-eda certainly gained new insight from Sekine, with only past memories remained in him.

苹果母司早期看你把陈产品抛入渣子桶,一有旧产品宣布便来购置。Bpple expects you to dump your old product and buy the new one just as soon as it comes out.

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对许多游客来说,西湖即便是初游,也有旧梦重温的味道。The first-ever visit at West lake, for many visitors, appeared to be the revision of an old dream.

认识我的人都知道,我的腰上有旧伤,而且我身高在一米九以上。My acquaintances all knew that there was an old trauma on my back and I was taller than 1.90 merter.

我经常觉得,自己可能来自过去,因为走在街上,我能嗅出哪里有旧服装店。I'm always thinking maybe I'm from the past, because in the street, I can smell where a vintage shop is.

因为地方官员在合理赔偿问题上的瞒骗,他的新家只有旧家的一半大。He says their new home is half the size of his old place because local officials cheated him of fair compensation.

但是,许多人仍然存留有旧的内容,这些内容是非结构化或半结构化的,或只为了演示目的而进行标记。But many have a backlog of content that is still unstructured or semi-structured or marked up only for presentation.

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通过对岳阳方言的语气词作全面深入的探讨,得出的结论是,岳阳方言中有旧个语气词。Through an overall probe into the Yueyang dialect, this paper draws a conclusion that there are 18 modal particles in it.

安娜在一家玩具博物馆工作。有旧玩偶、泰迪熊、玩具火车和小汽车。博物馆的一个房间是放木偶的。许多学生去这个木偶房间看木偶表演。Anna works in a toy museum. There are old dolls, teddy bears, toy trains and cars. One room in the museum is for puppets. Many.

如果你心中仍有旧虑,那就回望而非向前看,这就是你的机会。If there are any old doubts lingering then chances are you're still looking back over your shoulder rather than to the road ahead.

“有旧、有新、有借、有蓝”的婚礼习俗已经有好几百年的历史了。The wedding tradition of "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" has been around for hundreds of years.

尽管这能把你从重新关联中解脱出来,但会话可能会内存溢出,在高并发系统中可能会有旧数据。Although it saves you from reattachment, the session may grow out of memory and probably has stale data for high concurrency systems.

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按照传统,新娘要穿戴“有旧,有新,有借,有蓝”,因为这样会给她带来好运。It is traditional for the bride to wear "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue" because this will bring her luck.

关渡自然公园里的植物受到天然与人为因素的影响,不断会有旧的植物消失,或新的植物产生的现象产生。Plants in Guandu Nature Park impacted by natural and human factors generate a phenomenon of continuous disappearance of existing plants or growth of new plants.

人格教育在新形势下对高中政治课来说有旧调新弹的必要。Under the new situation it is necessary for political course in senior middle school to emphasize and develop the old problem-education of personality in a new way.