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众议院已经开放的停车场。The house has an open carport.

众议院的莱曼纪念博物馆,希洛。The Lyman House Memorial Museum, Hilo.

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众议院以348比79票的投票结果通过了该法案。The bill passed the House by a vote of 348 to 79.

众议院议员们只是惊愕地默默地呆立着。House members just stood in silence at a surprise.

是一位来自纽约的民主党众议院女议员。K. G. is a Democratic congresswoman from New York.

玛莎罗斯勒-众议院,街,厨房。Martha Rosler – the House, the Street, the Kitchen.

但是众议院的议员们并没有追随他。But the House of Representatives did not follow him.

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我已将动议提交给了众议院。I have submitted the motion to the House of Commons.

十二月,美国众议院通过了杉司勃伦纳移民法案。In December, the House passed the Sensenbrenner bill.

奥巴赫请求参议院推翻众议院的削减预算法案。Orbach called on the Senate to reverse the House cuts.

但参议院为众议院增加了所谓的甜味剂。But the Senate added so-called sweeteners for the House.

关于这件事我要给我区的众议院议员写信。I'll write to the Congressman of my district about this.

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美国众议院在六月通过了一项排放限度与额度交易的立法。The U.S. House in June passed cap-and-trade legislation.

众议院少数党领导约翰伯纳值得关注。Well, how about John Boehner, the House minority leader?

从众议院辞职后,他担任弗吉尼亚州州长。After leaving the House he served as Governor of Virginia.

所有涉及增加岁收的提案必须从众议院产生。All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House.

众议院以271对151的投票表决结果批准了这项措施。The House of Representatives approved the measure 271-151.

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伊利诺亚州众议院弹劾了州长罗德。HW1. The Illinois House impeaches Governor Rod Blagojevich.

一个小组袭击了一个纳里曼众议院的犹太人文化中心。One group raided a Jewish cultural centre in Nariman House.

我认识众议院情报监督委员会的人。I know someone on the House Intelligence Oversight Committee.