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远游者见多识广。He travels far knows much.

巴黎的鹅卵石可谓见多识广。The cobblestones of Paris have seen some things.

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他是一位慷概周到、见多识广的主人。He is a gracious, thoughtful, and very well-informed host.

一个见多识广的导游会开着你乘坐的豪华四轮传动车,你一步步靠近一片金色的沙丘With a knowledgeable guide behind the wheel of your luxury

他是一个见多识广的商人。As a merchant, he was a man of the world -- he had seen it all.

你去过很多地方,应该算是见多识广了。You have a lot of experience. You have been to a lot of places.

他见多识广,并且了解各种最新的时事新闻。He was well informed and updated with all kinds of current affairs.

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我们会变得更加见多识广,我们采取的行动也会更有效。We are more informed and any action we take is likely to be more effective.

我的膘是奇怪的膘,它见多识广,单是我的小腿肚本身,就已经饱览世事。My fat is strange fat. It has seen much. My calves alone have lived a lifetime.

成为一名见多识广的客户,会增加您在团队中的价值。Become an informed consumer, and you will increase your value to your organization.

网志作者会比其他人更加见多识广。知道的更多是事业成功的有利条件。Bloggers are better-informed than non-bloggers. Knowing more is a career advantage.

接下来的一级难度是抓住见多识广的老海鸥。The next difficulty level entailed trying to catch the more clued -up, older gulls.

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作为一个见多识广的成功女性,艾米绝对就是最好的例证了。As a woman who has seen much of the world, Smilovic certainly is a testament to this.

对电影做出见多识广的鉴赏是一种我们许多人都能也确实能通过自我培养实现的事情。A sophisticated appreciation of film is something that many of us can and do cultivate.

这里的公寓很大,门卫都很好,也很见多识广的。you know, the apartments are big, and the doormen are very, very nice and very informed.

自由职业者往往见多识广,这一点对别人很有用。Freelancers oftentimes have a broad spectrum of knowledge which can be helpful to others.

经历间隔年的学生似乎更加自信、独立和见多识广。Those students who take a gap year seem to _be more confident independent and well-informed_.

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通常见多识广,阅读面宽,喜欢扩大知识面并传给他人。Usually well informed, well read, enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others.

我虽然见多识广,但还从未见过比她细心的人,不管职业是什么。Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness , whatever the job.

如果我们希望得到更好的网站,更好的工作,更加见多识广客户,首先我们需要学习。If we want better sites, better work, and better-informed clients, the need to educate begins with us.