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听起来和柔道、空手道,跆拳道差不多。It sounds like Judo , Karate or TKD.

跆拳道可以追溯到公元前50年。The taekwondo dates back to 50 B. C.

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还有,跆拳道、羽毛球,There's, you know, taekwondo, badminton,

朝鲜的国技是跆拳道。North Korea's national sport is Taekwondo.

她练过空手道,跆拳道和摔跤。She was in karate, taek-wan do, and wrestling.

参加贵会所协办之跆拳道比赛。I agree to take part in the Taekwondo Competition.

我的天啊,你难道就是传说中的跆拳道黑带女王?Oh, my god.Are you the Black Belt queen of Taekwondo?

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对于她的家人和她来说,跆拳道不仅仅是一项体育运动。For her and her family, Taekwondo is not only a sport.

我可是从小被我妈逼着练跆拳道长大的。I was brought up by my mom made his kickboxing grew up.

2009年跆拳道首次出现在听障奥运会中。Taekwondo first participated in the Deaflympics in 2009.

现在,我正在上英语和跆拳道课。Now I’m paying for English courses and taekwondo lessons.

比如,我参加了曲棍球和跆拳道队。I was on the hockey and the kickboxing teams , for example.

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我觉得像他那么强壮的人会赢得这场跆拳道比赛的。I think a robust man like him will win the kickboxing match.

蒙特利尔穆斯林跆拳道队能够再次竞争。The Montreal Muslim Taekwondo team was able to compete again.

今天下午,我回校训练跆拳道。This afternoon, I went back to school to train the taekwondo.

加入了像跆拳道和芭蕾舞这样的新表演。New performances such as taekwondo and ballet have been added.

跆拳道是一项极具东方特色的传统武技。Kickboxing is a kind of traditional oriental martial technique.

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米亚是美国职业拳击手,也是跆拳道冠军。Mia is an American professional boxer and Tae Kwon Do champion.

穆萨·博思13岁。他练习跆拳道已经五年了。Moussa Berthe is 13. He has been doing taekwondo for five years.

对付其他风格,跆拳道实际上没有一点效果!Against other styles, TKD is the least effective in practicality!