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增加一个新的硬式磁盘。Add a new hard disk.

熵增加。The entropy goes up.

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但我们在增加产量。But we are increasing.

但是节约的成本增加了。Butthe savings add up.

别为自己的记忆增加负担。Don't tax your memory.

增加什么约束呢?有人知道吗?Somebody else -- yeah?

怎么增加,你可能会想。How?" You might wonder.

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自旋时间增加。Spin-up time increased.

他的薪金增加了。His salary has increased.

他们为增加薪金而罢工。They struck for more pay.

增加机械加工性能。To improve machinability.

嘀哒声中,价格缓慢增加。The price slowly ticks up.

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这将增加一点真实度。This will add more realism.

增加了盟KMS客户端密钥。Added Mondo KMS Client Keys.

增加了新的体积云!Added new Volumetric Clouds!

糖分会增加脂肪堆积。Sugar increases fat storing.

增加PSX多碟片支持。Added PSX multi-disc support.

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增加了新的柱状松树!Added new Columnar Pine tree!

车间增加电缆井。Cable well added in workshop.

你能增加一公斤吗?Can you add one kilogram now?