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压力是很重要的一个导火索。Stress is a major contributor.

消费级烟火有一个六秒钟的导火索。Consumer-grade pyrotechnics have a six-second fuse.

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我拒绝控告导火索散播混乱。I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.

安置好的炸药被坂垣正雄切断了导火索。Mounted explosives were BanYuan mas ao cut off the fuse.

危机的导火索会是什么,这是个很大的问号。The big unknown is what the spark for a crisis might be.

下面的一系列导火索将引出我们寻找公司的类型。Here’s a primer for the sort of company we’re looking for.

诱惑就是带来你心中污垢的导火索。Temptation is the fire that brings up the scum of the heart.

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福克斯负责点燃导火索,然后逃往欧洲大陆。Fawkes was to light the fuse and escape to continental Europe.

这一举动促成了巨型银行时代的到来,也是启动次贷的导火索。The move prompted the era of the superbank and primed the sub-prime pump.

碎石瓦砾中,钟小娴等人找不到导火索,无法引爆。The rubble, Zhong Xiaoxian etc. People cant find the fuse, unable to detonate.

这条路线的清单一流的导火索,提供优良的组合,两个导火索,合并为一个。This line of gRL class fuses offers superior combination of two fuses into one.

上周血腥的预兆可能就是他头脑重新狂躁起来的导火索。Last week these sanguinary omens may be presumed to have fired his brain afresh.

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总体上,货币汇率和贸易失衡仍是最主要的政治导火索。Overall, the currency and trade imbalances remain the biggest political irritations.

虽然这次紧张气氛的导火索缓解了,但是更深的裂痕依然存在。While the immediate cause of the underlying tension has been eased, deeper rifts remain.

对于住在布鲁克林的作家莎米拉·卡瓦什来说,“软心糖豆事件”是引发她整个研究的导火索。FOR Samira Kawash, a writer who lives in Brooklyn, the Jelly Bean Incident provided the spark.

恰恰相反的事情却经常在发生,金钱往往是冲突和敌对的导火索。Precisely the opposite often happens, the money that was the source of conflict and hostility.

钱鹏飞下车后看到了水中的几个人,并发现了炸药包和没点燃的导火索。Get off after Qian Pengfei saw a few people in the water, and found no explosives and lit the fuse.

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导火索是一个很细的钢丝,要么融化或蒸发过多,目前流经它。A fuse is a very thin wire , which either melts or vaporizes when too much current flows through it.

导火索是一个很细的钢丝,要么融化或蒸发,当太多电流流经它。A fuse is a very thin wire , which either melts or vaporizes when too much current flows through it.

美国次级债危机的导火索是美国房地产的次级抵押贷款市场。Ciji Zhai crisis in the United States is the fuse of the U. S. real estate secondary mortgage market.