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你猪猡!You pig!

这就像往猪猡身上洒香水。It's like putting perfume on a pig.

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我为你们做了这么多,你们这些猪猡!After all I've done for you, you swine.

我们贫穷落魄,你认为我们是猪猡。When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.

按照媒体的说法,就是从王子到猪猡,然后再反过来的过程。In the media, I've gone from prince to pig and back again.

1961年的猪猡湾惨败是另一个美国干预他国的例子。The Bay of Pigs fiasco of 1961 was another example of the U.

长城以南,那些人猎杀我们,就像屠杀猪猡一样屠杀我们。South of the Wall, the kneelers hunt us down and butcher us like pigs.

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七尺阔、十二尺深的工房楼下,横七竖八地躺满了十六七个被骂做“猪猡”的人。Sixteen or seventeen "sows" lie packed like sardines in the lower loft of this house, seven feet by twelve.

我还以为是猪猡闯进了花园呢,原来只不过是咖苔琳夫人母女俩。I expected at least that the pigs were got into the garden, and here is nothing but Lady Catherine and her daughter!

马背上的人是没有了,可无论什么人来统治也要比现在这批胆怯的猪猡强。We can't have the man on horseback, and anything is preferable to the timid swine that now rule.But come on, anyway.

你觉得那些东西也会害怕吗?可能跟我们一样,他们只是被拉到战场的猪猡。You think those things get scared too? Probably just like us. They're probably just grunts that get told to go fight.

瑞士的第三大城市日内瓦位于猪猡山区和阿尔卑斯山之间日内瓦湖西南角的罗纳河谷。Switzerland's third largest city, Geneva, is located in the Rhone Valley at the southwestern corner of Lake Geneva between the Jura Mountains and the Alps.

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我知道有人干过这类事情。齐利格让我们枪击他那带帽舌的帽子,以便向女孩们吹嘘他在古巴猪猡湾的经历,尽管实际上他从来没去过。I know men who do that, Zelig had had us shoot holes in his visored cap so he could tell women that he'd been shot at in Cuba during the Bay of Pigs, when, in fact, he had been no where near Cuba.