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那么,我们或许应该把每辆车都装上节流板?So, should we put restrictor plates on all cars?

节流棒安装完成后再安装上模唇。Mount upper die lip after mounting restrictor bar.

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但是很多人认为节流计算并不仔细。But many think the savings calculations are slapdash.

根据设置压力和节流孔通径来确定阀门的流容。Set pressure and orifice size determine valve capacity.

包括节流刻度板和安装五金件。Throttling index plate and mounting hardware is included.

天然气井井下节流已在许多气田应用。The measures of throttling are used widely in natural gas well.

节流过程为何与临界温度有关?。Why the Joule-Kelvin Effect is Related to Critical Temperature?

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可用作流体流量的启闭和节流控制。Can be used for both on-off and throttling control of fluid flow.

接下来,进行了制冷系统节流机构和附属设备的选型。Followed it, I select the model number throttle flap and appurtenance.

结果表明,基于车辆参数的常通节流孔优化设计方法正确,参数设计值可靠。The results show that the method is correct and the design is reliable.

给出了气嘴节流温度计算方法,并分析了节流后温降的原因。The method used to calculate the temperature drop in nozzle is proposed.

设计了专用的控制电路板,完成了对节流管汇的控制。Special circuit board has been designed to finish the control of throttles.

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在连续的流动中,每一流体元相继地经历节流过程。Every successive element of fluid undergoesthethrottling process in a stream.

一般的截止阀适合用于适度的节流应用。Regular style globe valves are suitable for moderate throttling applications.

在氦制冷机/液化器中,最末级的冷却一般采用节流方式。J_T valve is commonly used in the last cooling stage of a helium refrigerator.

必须同时对请求-响应和单向服务调用进行节流和分派。Both request-response and one-way service calls must be throttled and dispatched.

文中介绍了集箱节流孔J型坡口高效加工方法。This paper introduces effcient means of boring the J groove of orifice in header.

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在空气静压导轨中,节流孔形状和孔径大小是主要振源之一。The orifice shape and aperture size is one vibration source on aerostatic bearing.

截止阀用于需要节流,或既需要节流也需要关闭的应用场合。Globe valves are used where throttling or both throttling and shutoff are required.

节流件还能用来调节低温分离器压力或流量。This choke can be used to regulate either the pressure in the LTS or the flow rate.