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用一个微处理器来控制草履虫的移动和得分。The movements of the paramecia and the score are kept by a

草履虫是一款在小小的流体腔中的实时游戏。The Paramecia play in real time, ala Tron, in a tiny fluid chamber.

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用一个微处理器来控制草履虫的移动和得分。The movements of the paramecia and the score are kept by a microprocessor.

近年来南京近郊很难采集到变形虫、草履虫、水螅等常见水生实验动物。In recent years, it is difficult to collect common aquatic experimental animals.

例如,如果草履虫感觉到场景右侧的负电,它就会游向左边。If the Paramecia sense a negative charge on the right side of the field, for example, they swim left.

对草履虫来说,要在水里游泳,就像要人类泳渡冰冷的糖浆一般困难。To a paramecium, swimming through water feels the way trudging through chilled molasses would feel to us.

一些低等动物,运动是无向和随机,如草履虫浮躁其环境。For some lower animals, movement is undirected and random, such as a Paramecium blundering about its environment.

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用户用一台向游戏场景不同方向发送电子脉冲的手持设备控制草履虫。The user controls Paramecia using a handheld device, which delivers electrical pulses to different sides of the playing field.

这种游戏牵涉到一系列基本的生物学过程,使用的是一些简单的单细胞有机体,如草履虫。These "biotic games" involve a variety of basic biological processes and some simple single-celled organisms, such as paramecia.

不管他们是草履虫,人类或是牵牛花,继续航行,我们会发现分子是由叫做原子的更小部分组成。DNA holds the chemical codes for the reproduction of most organisms on the planet whether they are paramecia , people or petunias.

而且它和那些与来自地狱或高水位的坏蛋战斗的其他的所谓英雄们不同,草履虫是个逃跑者而非战士。And unlike all of those other so-called heroes, who battle the bad guys come hell or high water, Paramecium is a fleer not a fighter.

其他游戏例如生物弹珠球,通过注射一种化学物质到液体环境中使得草履虫向不同的方向游走。Other games, such as biotic pinball, work by injecting a chemical into the fluid causing the paramecia to swim in different directions.

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其中有类似于“食豆小子”的一些游戏,如”草履虫吃小球“,”生物弹珠球“以及”养鱼塘“。Some of the games include PAC-mecium, which resembles PacMan in that paramecia eats little balls, Biotic Pinball, Ciliaball, and POND PONG.

应用透射电镜术显示了含小球藻绿草履虫和人工诱导获得的无小球藻绿草履虫细胞的超微结构特征。The fine structure of Chlorella -bearing Paramecium bursaria and Chlorella -free Paramecium bursaria were studied with transmission electron microscopy.

本文研究了绿草履虫皮层表面的结构,草履虫体表布满由表膜突起形成的网格,于每一网格中央的表膜凹陷内伸出一根纤毛。The structure of the cortical surface of Paramecium bursaria is studied. On the whole surface of Paramecium, there is a network formed by the convex of the pellicle.

当我通过共焦显微镜观察一条斑马鱼幼体,等待着它捕食草履虫的时候,我发现了耐心对于学科研究来说尤为重要。When I watched a tiny zebra fish for over three hours through a confocal microscope, waiting for it to feed on paramecium, the patience needed for research became apparent.

该系统已被成功使用于草履虫等纤毛类原生动物的定量,得到了比人工计数更为准确和更高效的实验结果。An automatic counting system was developed to count the ciliate, such as paramecium, and obtained more accurate and efficient results as compared to the manual counting method.

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在用不同浓度氯化镉处理草履虫后发现,草履虫的繁殖能力和过氧化物酶的活性会随氯化镉浓度的增大而明显下降。It is found that the fecundity of paramecium and the energy of enzyme descend with the increasing of density of CdCl2after dealing with paramecium by CdCl2of different density.

阿米巴虫,血细胞,叶绿体,水螅,草履虫,微生物和其他微观扭动和蠕动与迷人的运动特写意见一定要你洗手。Amoebae, blood cells, chloroplasts, hydra, paramecia, and other microscopic microorganisms wiggle and squirm with fascinating movement in closeup views sure to make you wash your hands.

除了对乳酸脱氢酶未检出酶蛋白条带外,其它三种酶的电泳图谱都显示暗培养草履虫的同工酶组成条带多、含量高。Except LDH was not checked up band, the electrophoresis results of other three isoenzymes indicated that the isoenzymes of dark cultivated P. bursaria had more bands and higher content.