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就是大海捞针。It is a needle in a haystack.

要找到一个优秀的测谎家,如同大海捞针A Good Lie Detector is Hard to Find

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这简直是大海捞针。it's like finding a needle in a hay stack.

为了验证一条判例法的原则,就要在一千个以上的案例报告中大海捞针。In order to verify a case-law principle there are over a thousand law reports in which to search.

你不可能在一大群人中找到他,你这样是大海捞针。You can never find him in such a large crowd of people. You're looking for a needle in a haystack.

计划寻找在自然环境中的网络的Nielsen也说,这是一个大海捞针的工作。Nielsen, who plans to search for the wires in natural settings, says it is needle-in-a-haystack work.

有时候在互联网上找东西就和大海捞针一样难。Sometimes trying to find something on the worldwide web is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

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50年代初,他甚至在大纽约市大海捞针一般为我们找到一家真正的日本料理店。During the early 1950’s he even ferreted out for us the first authentic Japanese restaurant in New York.

突变基因的数目微乎其微,寻找起来比“大海捞针”还难。”And finding this tiny number of mutations was more difficult than finding an ant's egg in an emperor's rice store.

他说,在他名单上的孩子没一个找到的,找起来“简直像大海捞针”。He said none of the children in his database had been recovered. “It’s like fishing a needle out of the sea, ” he said.

很显然,一旦一件商品成为焦点,想在商店里找到它简直比大海捞针还难。Apparently, once an article appears on the show, hunting it down in stores is harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

从泡妞的角度来看,如果我们能够选择守株待兔,为何非要大海捞针呢?From the point of the angle of bubble girl, if we can choose wait for windfalls , why must Where is look for a needle in the ocean?

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这听起来有点像大海捞针,在一个单独运行的程序里有成千上万字节的数据,漫无目的的在数据海洋里乱找结果不会很理想。This may sound a bit like a needle-in-a-haystack problem. There are in many cases millions of bytes of data in a single running program.

几乎每个人都曾经面对过大海捞针的艰巨挑战。Almost everyone at one time or another has been faced with the daunting challenge of finding the figurative needle in the metaphorical haystack.

要不然,它就一直在那儿,我想可能再也找不到了,因为这些山脉是如此巨大艰险,你无疑是在大海捞针。If not, and it's still there, I think it's lost forever, because those mountains are so vast and inaccessible that you're looking for a needle in a haystack.

免去了在网上大海捞针般搜索信息所花去的不必要时间,无疑会让生活更加方便,并进一步提高我们的效率。Not having to spend unnecessary time searching through mountains of information on the Web for something relevant makes life easier and allows us to be more productive.

只需短短数秒便可在一大堆健康细胞中揪出致病的罪魁祸首,以往大海捞针似的检索程序也变得易如反掌。Within a few seconds can be uncovered in a lot of healthy cells in the disease-causing culprit in the past, like a needle in the haystack has become easy retrieval procedures.

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忙了这么多年,却只是在宇宙中大海捞针,仅仅仔细观测了银河系中多至数十亿的行星中的750颗。Despite those years of effort, SETI has done little more than dip a glass into the cosmic ocean, having looked closely at only 750 of the Milky Way’s billion or so star systems.

这样,读完剧本的时候,你的想法和记录就在这张纸上合为一体了,查找信息时不用“大海捞针”式的再翻遍整个剧本。That way you can breeze through your notes at the end of the script to tie together your thoughts, rather than flip through the entire script trying to find what you wrote down.

这个需要你大海捞针的去访了,挨家挨家询问吧,我也不好把我们用的这家告诉你,怕有嫌疑,也是北京的。You need to visit the needle in a haystack, house-to-house house-to-house inquiry, and I do not good to use this, we tell you that there is fear that the suspect, also in Beijing.