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植被是红色。Vegetation is red.

水生植被具有净化水体的作用。The hydrophytes can purify water body.

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植被指数反映了这一变化。The vegetation index reflects the change.

水与水饱和的区域颜色由海军蓝至铁青色,植被是绿色的,云团是松绿色的,居民区呈现桃红色。Vegetation is green. Clouds are turquoise.

“山羊会吃光植被,”布朗说。"Goats will strip vegetation, " said Brown.

云南高原湖泊水生植被的研究。A study on lake vegetation of Yunnan Plateau.

植被是浅绿色,云是淡绿松石色,水是深蓝色,裸露地面是粉红偏黄色。Water is navy blue. Bare ground is pinkish-tan.

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葱翠的有或以茂盛植被为特征的。Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.

石楠系列包含的是贫乏植被类型。The heath series includes poor vegetation types.

避免弄乱器盖以上的植被。Avoid disturbing the vegetation above knee level.

发展下层林地植被的层次。Develop vegetative layers of woodland understory.

土壤-植被系统趋于更薄的活动层。Soil-plant system went to a thinner active horizon.

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沿着这条植被带海拔上升舒缓。Along this transect the rise in elevation is gradual.

其它还有疏林草原和荒漠植被。Others are sparse forest steppe and desert vegetation.

土壤湿度对植被指数起着重要的作用。Soil moisture had severe influence on vegetation index.

“植被指数”是对光合作用强度的反映。The vegetation index is a reflection of photosynthesis.

林芝地区有丰富的植被及物种资源。Nyingchi is rich in resources of species and vegetation.

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植被覆盖的土地依然绿意盎然,暗蓝色的点状分布为水源。Plant-covered land is still green and water is dark blue.

列举了各个植被型中的重要群团。The main alliances of each vegetation-type are described.

此外,藓类植物与其地带性植被关系密切。The moss is in close relationship with its zonal vegetation.