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提供现金还是食品?Cash or Tortillas?

向某人提供谋事的详情。Fill sb in on sth.

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你们提供伙食吗?Do you serve meals?

取提供能源。SX delivers energy.

他提供我一个床位。He offered me a bed.

谢谢为我提供信息。Thanks for the info.

该照片由柏拉图提供。Photograph by Platon.

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她向我提供帆布床。She bunked me in cot.

测试提供职系。Tests provide grades.

我们提供专门知识。We deliver expertise.

提供建议需谨慎。Be careful with advice.

你通过其他人提供的信息。You make up the agenda.

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他为我提供帮助。He proffered help to me.

爱好者提供一显身手的机会。I am a huge fan of golf.

我提供最好的气氛。I-I served the best air.

另外,你提供烘好的水果也是可以的。Offer dried fruits, too.

很不幸,Python没有提供这个功能。Which is really a shame.

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提供交叉引用。Provide cross-references.

你们提供什么样的租赁期呢?What rental do you offer?

我们提供免费服务。We provide gratis service.