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拥抱你生活中所有的起起落落。Embrace your life with all the ups and down.

过去的岁月里,他起起落落。The past years had known him in many weathers.

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跑道式——很像飞机起落跑道,一丝不留,但剩下一条窄窄的条状毛发。Take everything off but a narrow strip of hair.

很多斗式起落机为离心卸货范例。Many bucket elevators are centrifugal discharge type.

它形成了起起落落的驻波但是并不传播。Its standing waves rise and fall but do not propagate.

在垂直,列弗,将作为分类超短距起落飞机。The VERT -LEVS are to be classified as SUPER STOL aircraft.

起起落落,重音轻音,时快时慢。Ups and downs, stressed and unstressed sound, fast and slow.

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在那个疯狂的时期,我的情绪就像电梯一样起起落落。In that crazy time, my mood went up and down like an elevator.

今天,我用药疗来控制情绪上的起落。Today I'm on medication to control my emotional ups and downs.

他一定经历了很多起起落落才形成了变成了如此粗鲁的人。He must have had some upsdowns in life to make him such a churl.

过去五年,我们的大环境起落不定,变化快速。Our last five years were marked by uncertainty and rapid change.

生活总会有些起起落落,就像高山总有巅峰,也有峡谷。Life is full of ups and downs as mountains have peaks and valleys.

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多数身经百战的企业高管都经历过职业生涯的起起落落。Most seasoned executives have their share of career ups and downs.

人生起起落落,爱情的游戏莫不如此。Life is all about ups and downs, and in turn so is the dating game.

坊间传说,亚洲权力更换会随着大米价格的起落而进行变动。IN ASIA kingdoms are said to rise and fall with the shifting price of rice.

甲烷的短距起落801的齿轮已经开发专门为机场外的使用。The STOL CH 801's gear has been developed specifically for off-airport use.

大陆航空3407航班的起落装置残骸和其他的坠毁碎片。The wreckage of Continental Flight 3407's landing gear and other crash debris.

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这个机场的跑道正在扩建以适应大型飞机起落。The runway of this airport is undergoing expansion to accommodate large planes.

任何人之间的关系都会起起落落,不过我觉得都还好。Every relationship has its ups and downs, but I felt things were generally good.

看着云舒云卷,起起落落间,月,渐渐明朗起来。Watch cloud volumes, the ups and downs, the month, gradually falling into place.