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记住,没有决定是一成不变的。Remember, no decision is set in stone.

早饭还是那一成不变的粥。Once again, I had congee for breakfast.

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世界上没有一成不变的东西。The inalterable routine of a physician.

之后就是绿树常青的,不断的打破网页“墨守陈规,一成不变”模式化的定律。Then there was the everlasting

通往成功没有什么一成不变的规则。There are no hard-and-fast rules for success.

云变幻莫测,天空却是一成不变。Clouds are impermanent, but the sky is stable.

它的诉诸同情的方法不能一成不变。Its pleadings will not bear to be stereotyped.

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这就是我一成不变的感情。That is the unvarying standard of my feelings.

一成不变、千篇一律的“程式化”必须转变。Immutable and machine-made stylization should change.

世界上除了多变以外,没有一成不变的东西。There is nothing in this world constant, but inconstancy.

我总是会一成不变地挑错衣服,这只会让我们更迟。I will invariably get it wrong and make us even more late.

这些对联的内容和位置都是一成不变的。The content and position of these couplets are unchanging.

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当然,男人总会一成不变地喜欢解决女人的问题。Sure, men stereotypically like to solve a woman's problems.

然而,浏览图并没有一个一成不变的定义。However, Browse Diagrams do not have a persisted definition.

纵观国际社会乱象纷生,联合国却几乎一成不变。But, despite huge upheavals in the world, little has altered.

但是,生产技术毫无变化,锻炉规模也一成不变。Technology remained static and forge sizes constant, however.

铺床叠被是细致复杂而又一成不变的仪式。The rites of preparing for bed were elaborate and unchanging.

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不过,莫奇安特不认为这种情况将一成不变。However, Merchant doesn't believe that's a permanent situation.

巴黎是不会感伤的,因为夜夜笙歌,一成不变,便以为什么都会永远。Always I thought things were gonna last forever, but it never did.

给我妳的爱吧!不要每次都一成不变的风平浪静。Give me ur luv! Do not appear to be calm and peaceful at all times.