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他喝了酒无所顾忌地乱说起来。He loosened up under the liquor.

在这里,我们更无所顾忌一些。Here, we have a more reckless attitude.

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观看公共表演或展览时,不要无所顾忌地大笑不止。Do not laugh too loud or too much at any public spectacle.

她失声痛哭,暴风骤雨一般,无所顾忌,在她妹妹的怀抱里。She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms.

年轻人们无所顾忌,聚在一起纵酒狂欢。Young people scruples without place, gather drink to excess is orgiastic.

到哪一天,我才能自由、无所顾忌地踏向回归故园之路呢?On which day could I freely step on the way of return home without any misgiving?

这样做常常是为了使带孩子上餐馆的客人可以无所顾忌。This is often because they want people to feel comfortable bringing their children.

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而在家里我却很活泼,很爱笑,喜欢看电视,嬉笑怒骂,无所顾忌。At home I was very lively, love to laugh, likes to watch TV, ridicule, go all lengths.

在网上他们就可以无所顾忌的提出自己的问题或为别人解答问题了。On net them can do not have scruple put forward own problem or is others answer problem.

小时候,朋友就是朋友,可以无话不谈,谈天论地,无所顾忌。Child, friend is a friend, you can talk about anything, talk on the way, nothing to fear.

英格兰队是这种集体错觉中的典范,充分体现了它无所顾忌的物质主义。The England football team exemplified this collective delusion, and the country's rampant materialism.

他们显然非常兴奋,并且无所顾忌地互相谈论。They were evidently in high state of excitement, and they chattered to one another with much indiscretion.

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在过去年份里,这部分展览充满最为无所顾忌的简化——新的展览也别无二致。This was the exhibit that in past years was fraught with the most blatant simplifications — and the new one is no different.

虽然新型数字手机产生的辐射较少,但这并非意味着使用时就可以无所顾忌。New digital mobile phones produce less radiation, but that does not necessarily mean that they should be used without caution.

在韩七录的隔壁桌有一对情侣在争执,周围的人都在议论纷纷,而男生仍然无所顾忌地用言语威胁着女生。In the Han Qilu desk next to a pair of lovers in the dispute, everyone around the boys still cynical There were many discussions.

这样做常常是为了使带孩子上餐馆的客人可以无所顾忌。Minors can eat at restaurants that serve beer and wine, but they are not allowed to enter pubs, taverna, cocktail lounges or bars.

优先处理掉牛蛙等防空力量,以便你可以无所顾忌的把双刃投入战斗支援你的装甲部队。Prioritize anti-air units such as bullfrogs so that you can safely bring your Twinblades into the battle and support your armored units.

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这些活在黑暗中的悲惨人群已不仅是只有行动上那种不顾一切的胆量,也还有精神上那种无所顾忌的胆量。These lamentable tribes of darkness have no longer merely the desperate audacity of actions, they possess the heedless audacity of mind.

中国在非洲的侨民都来自于一个混乱的、无所顾忌的商业文化中,他们不在乎规则制度。Chinese expatriates in Africa come from a rough-and-tumble, anything-goes business culture that cares little about rules and regulations.

这期间,他还养育了两个婚外子女。2013年,一家上诉法庭痛斥他“无所顾忌”地“玩弄女性”。Along the way, he fathered two children out of wedlock. In 2013, an Appeal Court castigated him for the "reckless" conduct of his "philandering. "