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我们共同建设的。We built it together.

和慈善机构共同拥有?Co-own with a charity?

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它们共同演化。They evolved together.

是通过对化学反应和共同进化的研究。Chemistry and coevolution.

共同去见麦克白。There to meet with Macbeth.

共同创造把人们都吸引了进去。Co-creation pulls people in.

这是一个共同的妥协。This is a shared compromise.

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一要共同应对全球气候变化。First, tackle climate change.

我偶尔投资共同基金。I invest in them occasionally.

在这一点上,我们有共同的目标。In this, we have common cause.

这是一个共同进化的世界。It was a coevolutionary world.

我们取得了共同的成就。And we have succeeded together.

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他的讲话道出了我们的共同心声。I think he spoke for all of us.

他们有很多的共同之处。They share something in common.

我们可以选择共同崛起。We can choose to rise together.

曾经掠夺过我们共同的坟墓。Have despoiled our common grave.

我们必须商定共同的方向。We must agree common directions.

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共同签署承担一笔贷款是小事一桩Co-signing a loan is no big deal.

这组词的共同意思是“相当”。He was pretty strong for his size.

同齐达内共同工作的感觉太妙了。It is amazing to work with Zidane.