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轻度身形,干,水果,柔和的水果结束。Light Body, Dry, Fruity, Sofy Fruity finish.

他庞然璀璨的身形吞噬着黑幽幽的山丘。His huge, light shape devoured the black ill.

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身形一矮,向那红袍人疾冲过去。He bent his knees and sprang at the red- robed man.

身形瘦弱的她有时只能喝水止饥。The frail Chen staved off hunger by drinking water.

他身形精瘦、面容冰冷、声音尖锐。His body was lean, his features dry, his voice sharp.

这也是减肥和保持身形最好的方法。This is the best way to lose weight and remain healthy.

虽然他看起来身形有些胖,但跑起来犹如离弦之箭。Though he is a little fat, he runs as fast as an arrow.

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中庭里身形巨大的渡鸦更添悲伤的气氛。Huge ravens in the courtyard added to the sad atmosphere.

一个保护色的身形在阳光斑驳的阴影中移动。Acamouflaged shape moving through the sun-dappled shadows.

即使死神将我的身形藏匿,更浩瀚的静寂将我包围。And though death may hide me, and the greater silence enfold me.

而阿兹则将他变成了这个怪物般的身形以回应他的召唤。Az turned him into this monstrous surface to answer his rude call.

“好!”云寒身形一闪,向右攻去。"Good! "The smoke cold body fashion is an Shan, rightwards offend.

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比如无生物钟的变种小鼠身形就趋于矮胖。In fact, mutant mice that have no circadian clocks tend to be chunky.

唐朝的马俑造型丰腻肥美,身形生动逼真动态十足。The horse figure, Tang Dynasty. The horse body almost move at next second.

但窗帘的阴影罩住了海丝特·白兰,遮往了她的部分身形。The shadow of the curtain fell on Hester Prynne, and partially concealed her.

他的身形高大,肤色深褐,相貌英俊,肩膀宽阔,和别人握起手来强而有力,只怕将人家摇得眼冒金星。HE WAS tall, dark and handsome, with broad shoulders and a crushing handshake.

宽阔的肩膀,秃着头,留着个胡须,身形很尖锐,眼睛有神。Broad-shouldered, balding, with a trim mustache, sharp features, piercing eyes.

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女士习练可以达到身形塑造和皮肤保养的效果。Ladies practice can achieve the effect of body size shape and skin maintenance.

他看到一个身形巨大的兽人,穿着全身一套黑色板甲。He caught sight of an enormous orc, dressed in a full suit of black plate armor.

你可能对他的肌肉、6尺5寸高的身形和宽广过目难忘。Not that you can miss him in the flesh as he is 6ft 5in tall and about as broad.