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他的书法作品骨力遒劲,不失为一位大家。His calligraphy is full of strength and he is really worthy of being called a master.

松质骨的显微结构是影响骨力学性能的重要因素。Trabecular microstructure is an important factor that influences the bone biomechanical properties.

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本文综述了双膦酸盐类药物对骨显微损伤和骨力学性能的影响。This article will review the effect of bisphosphates on the microdamage and mechanical properties of bone.

方法采用3月龄雌性大鼠,切除双侧卵巢造成骨质病变模型,观察两药联用对动物骨力学、骨组织形态学的影响。Methods Female rats aged 3 months were used to be an animal model of osteoporosis caused by castrated bilateral ovaries.

作为应用实例,本文介绍了均匀化理论在密质骨力学性能的数值模拟中的应用。As a practical example, the numerical simulation of mechanical characteristics for compact bone by homogenization method is introduced.

本文综述了对骨质疏松性骨力学性能进行预测的研究进展,并展望了该领域研究的发展前景。In this paper, current studies on prediction of biomechanical properties of osteoporosis bone are reviewed, and prospected its future advances as well.

乘东突厥内乱,骨力裴罗遂联合拔悉密、葛逻禄等部,在745年灭了东突厥汗国。The East Turkic civil strife, Gu Li Pei-then of the Joint Stubbs noted, such as the Department of Geluo Lu, in 745 years out of the East Turkic khanates.

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近年来,各种微纳观技术和显微成像技术的应用,使得骨力学研究深入至微纳观水平。In recent years, due to all kinds of micronano techniques and image proceeding application, much progress was made in studying micronano-mechanics of bone.

这一北方的生活习俗经过历史文明的洗礼,涅槃再生后沉淀为一种重骨力的,以刚劲劲健为美的民族文化审美心理。After this primitive life style was purified by the historic civilization, the cultural and aesthetic psychology on the basis of bravery and strength appeared.

因此,研究通过间接手段进行骨力学性能的预测,已成为骨质疏松研究领域的一个重要课题,并具有重要的临床应用价值。Thus, research on some indirect method to predict the biomechanics of bone has been profound and valuable both in osteoporosis research and in clinic application.

但是采用氧化剂的方法造成了异种骨力学性能变差以及经处理后的异种骨生物功能性不佳的缺点。It is commented that better methods to process mammalian bones are needed because of bad mechanical and bio-functional properties of mammalian bones processed with oxidants.

发酵周期过长可引起窖泥发干,糟醅的色泽暗、发黄、显糙、不柔熟、骨力差等现象,影响酒的产质。Overlong fermentation period resulted in the pit mud dry, pale colour and lustre, coarse, and bad strength of the fermenting grains which could influence the liquor quality.

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成骨细胞、破骨细胞为力学效应细胞,使骨形成和骨吸收处于动态平衡以维持骨力学稳定性。Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are effector cells. Bone mechanical integrity is maintained by a dynamic balance between bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts.