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从我自身的情况,我设法找到我的安身立命之道。And, from this condition, I try to find my bearings.

新移民在谋生不易的情况下,想出各种奇招,以求重新安身立命。They have to think out various and odd ways to make living.

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而且,在安身立命为人处世间,诸多烦恼纠缠于心。But, as people living in the world, many worry in the heart.

而这就是你将来安身立命的资本,你可以借此找到新的靠山。And this is your future more capital, you can find new patron.

当一个男人选择安身立命,他背负着自己的一生。When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him.

有住房,一直是第一人安身立命的要求。Have a shelter, has been the first people to settle down requirements.

这是海萍千挑万选租来的安身立命之地。每个月650块。This is the Hai-1000 pick and chose the shelter of rented land. 650 a month.

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对于生命体而言,寄生行为本身就是─片安身立命旳新天地。Parasitic behavior itself is a new territory for organisms to make a living in.

房屋是安身立命的根木,是基本的生活资料。House is the root of taking shelter and living. It's also the basic living capital.

他们决定脱离联邦,安德鲁·约翰逊只好弃家而走,以求安身立命。They decided to leave the Union. Andrew Johnson had to flee his home to save his life.

可不懂处世之道的我们该怎样学着浮萍般在大海中安身立命。Can not understand our life skills like learning the duckweed-like settle down in the sea.

你的灵魂是你最深沉、完整的本体,是上苍之所居,也是你真实的安身立命之处。Your soul is your deepest, complete essence. It's where God dwells and where you are really you.

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那是一个斑斓地中央,人们在那边安身立命,一切是那么地美妙!That is a beautiful place where people live and work contentedly, and every thing there is so lovely!

企业安身立命的关系网却深刻地影响其行为与绩效。Yet the networks of relationships in which firms are embedded profoundly influence their conduct and performance.

报业的经营者和采编人员,应该找到自家安身立命的特色,鲜明特色才具有吸引读者的力量,他们的钱也应该好钢投在刀刃上。Proprietors and editors are trying to identify distinctive strengths and investing what money they have in those areas.

君子人格应该是一个安身立命的根本问题,却变得几乎无所谓了。Personality of a man of high character, a fundamental issue what makes a man, is now a matter of nearly no significance.

人们在那之中要是看到了一种象征,把艺术作品当成是荒谬最后的安身立命之所,就大错特错了。It would be wrong to see a symbol in it and to think that the work of art can be considered at last as a refuge for the absurd.

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即使像赛伊德这样的美国左派知识分子,他也不可能真正为“东方主义”寻找到安身立命的根本。Said that even though the United States as leftist intellectuals, he can not truly a "Orientalism" to settle down to find the root.

因此,除了努力结束经济危机,我们也还需要确保能帮助人民安身立命。So, in addition to trying to stop the crisis, what we also wanted to do was make sure that we were helping people get back on their feet.

投资者担心该公司已经没有可以安身立命的行业。高盛这个曾经的华尔街领袖现在是失去了国家的国王。Investors are concerned that Goldman Sachs has no industry any more, that the one-time leader of Wall Street is now a king without a country.