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住房养老保险基本运作模式设计。Fundamental operating mode designed for HEPI.

养老保险制度改革一直是业界争论的热点。The reform of the pension system is a hot topic.

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我今年22岁,需要办理养老保险吗?I am 22 years old, the need for old-age insurance?

在儿童医院或者养老中心做志愿者Volunteer at a children’s hospital or nursing home.

但是,通用汽车在国外的厂,到目前还没有养老费用的支出。The foreigners also do not have any pension costs--yet.

养老始终以“孝”为中心。The filial piety is the center of retirement throughout.

夏洛特县是如何演变成老年人养老圣地的呢?How did Charlotte County come to be a mecca for retirees?

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养老基金会很长时间没能联系到加藤先生。The pension fund had long been unable to contact Mr Kato.

中国健康与养老追踪调查试调查。American Community Survey, Questions and Answers, Chinese.

我们需要靠一些高收益投资来支付自己养老所需。And we need some high-yielding investments to pay for them.

艾尔莎•福尔内罗,养老津专家,主管就业和社会福利领域。Elsa Fornero, a pension expert, takes employment and welfare.

艾丝海堪于1979年,退休于摩陀海滩养老。Elsie Hickam retired to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 1979.

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在北京怎么补办失业养老保险?In Beijing how the unemployed to re-submit old-age insurance?

但医疗、教育与养老制度的改进并非一蹴而就。But revamping health, education and pension systems takes time.

在对养老保险基金十余年的探讨中取得了很大进展。During the past ten years of discussion, there was great progress.

启动事业单位基本养老保险制度改革试点。Start-up business unit is basic endowment insurance system reform.

敬老、爱老、养老是中国的传统美德。It is a Chinese tradition to respect, love and support the elderly.

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所有的经理都会得到丰厚的退职金和养老费。The directors will each get a large golden handshake and a pension.

农村社会养老保险是一个常常被人遗忘的角落。The old-age insurance in the countryside is often effaced in China.

社会养老保险在排挤商业养老保险吗?。Are Social Old-age Insurance Squeezing Commercial Old-age Insurance?