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这是个很大的假设。It is a big if.

不要妄自假设。Make no assumptions.

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假设我想搜索一个已经排好序的数组。So let's look at that.

测试你的假设。Test your assumptions.

假设你是个出租车司机。If you're a taxi driver,

假设你特别饿。Let's say you're hungry.

我们有一个假设。So we have a hypothesis.

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假设有灵魂存在。Suppose there are souls.

假设我被揪出来了呢?What am I suppose to do?

让我们假设重量是。Let's look at an example.

假设有这种化验。Suppose there was a test.

或者——我们能不能这样假设呢?Or- can we not suppose it?

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假设我是二元论者。So suppose I was a dualist.

我只是说假设。I just meant hypothetically.

一个很假设性的情况。So a hypothetical condition.

但假设它是犯罪行为。But suppose it were criminal.

现在假设你们就是陪审团。Now imagine you are the jury.

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假设我们相信灵魂。Suppose we believed in souls.

假设你怕狗。Imagine you're afraid of dogs.

假设两条线是平行的。Let the two lines be parallel.