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因此,这是一个好的制冷剂。And so, this was good as a refrigerant.

第二步、要回收制冷剂。The second step, to recycle refrigerant.

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具备小罐制冷剂加注功能。With funtion of small cans of refrigerant charging.

未来的制冷剂将不会使用氟利昂。Freon will not be used as refrigerant in the future.

怎样做好制冷剂的3R管理工作?。How do better the 3R regulation works of refrigerants?

但是在发展中国家,这种制冷剂可以使用到2040年。But developing countries are allowed to use it until 2040.

制冷剂净化装置,可去水分、杂质。Equipped with filter device to eliminate moisture and impurities.

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但是空气中现有的氟利昂制冷剂还在继续肆虐。Yet the CFCs already in the air are still doing their dirty work.

和推移,替代制冷剂的使用是随着时间的变化。And as time goes by, the use of alternative refrigerants is changing.

odp值和GWP值是当今评价制冷剂的重要指标。ODP and GWP are the most important indexes for refrigerant evaluation.

也有其他人在考虑不致大气变暖的制冷剂。Others are also looking at refrigerants that don't warm the atmosphere.

这又将制冷剂变回原先的较冷的液态,从而可以再利用。This turns the refrigerant back into its cooler liquid state to be used again.

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预冷系统和制冷循环的制冷剂分别为R404A和R740。The refrigerants of pre-cooling cycle and refrigeration cycle were R404A and R740.

旋下压力风门上压缩机的制冷剂管路紧固螺钉。Unscrew refrigerant line fastening screw for the compressor on the pressure damper.

低速状态可预冷转子,无氟制冷剂。Possibility of precooling the rotors during low speed running, Refrigerant CFC-free.

附楼采用变制冷剂流量多联分体式空调系统。The auxiliary building adopts a variable refrigerant volume air conditioning system.

长期以来,R22被认为是房间空调器中使用的理想制冷剂。R22 is recognized as a satisfied refrigerant in room air conditioners for a long time.

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对变制冷剂流量空调系统的几种新风处理方法进行了分析探讨。This paper analyses and compares the air fresh methods in VRV air conditioning system.

此图是在斯皮策望远镜执行冷任务过程中,在它耗尽液体制冷剂前被拍摄的。This image was taken during Spitzer's cold mission, before it ran out of liquid coolant.

压力下降时,制冷剂就会膨胀并且使部分液体气化,制冷剂变冷。As the pressure falls, the refrigerant expands and partially vaporizes, becoming chilled.