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哈罗,工长。你好吗?Hello, Foreman. How are you?

这是工长要求我这么干的。It is the foreman who asked me to do so.

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农民工长时间性压抑会导致许多社会问题。Long time repression could lead to host of social problems.

您能介绍我同这个工地的工长认识吗?Can you introduce me to the section chief on the building site?

丢了工长职位的王喜惆怅万状。The Wang Xi that lost foreman position is disconsolate extremely.

你的服务与帮助从专业工长硬木地板在此免费视频。Shine up your hardwood floor with help from a professional foreman in this free video.

密尼是埃克斯塞尔市公共事业部的一个维修工长。J. S. Minion was a maintenance foreman in the Public Works department of Excelsior City.

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工长确保讲话卡中提到的要素当日得到跟进。Supervisors shall ensure that issues raised in the STARRT are following up during the day.

工长生产规模大,管理先进,在同行中处于领先水平。Foreman production are large in scale, advanced management, the peers in the advanced level.

我们的一位车间工长正在一个墙壁隔板上做工,一位妇女走到他跟前问他在做什么。A our shop foreman was working on a wall partition, a woman walked up to him and asked what he was doing.

凯泽斯劳滕的清洁工工长资格。今年,一名意大利人在莱茵兰-帕拉廷又同样获得了这一资格。Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate.

与车间工长商谈后把工作分派到生产工人手中。Distribute work orders to the productive workshop personnel in consultation with the respective section heads.

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不过跟大多数刚刚德国清洁工工长资格的人一样,他要等上数年才能申请到的区域。But he, like most newly qualified German masters, will spend years on a waiting list before he gets his own district.

为了进一步解释性格差异对高炉工长绩效的影响,本文还通过个案访谈的方法进行了个案研究。In order to explain how the personality difference affect the performance of foreman, the paper takes the method of case study.

如上述第一、二步骤不能解决怨情或争议,雇员可上书工长或工长代理人。If the grievance or dispute is not resolved in step 1 or 2 above, Employee may file a complaint with the Chief of Labor or his designee.

产业时期,工场中的工长也许不须要太多地斟酌本身在出产甚么或是斟酌工人的情形。A foreman in an industrial-era factory probably didn't have to give much thought to what he was producing or to the people who were producing it.

工业时代,工厂中的工长或许不需要太多地考虑自己在生产什么或是考虑工人的情况。A foreman in an industrial-era factory probably didn't have to give much thought to what he was producing or to the people who were producing it.

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果彼,选拔适开企业收铺请供的上绩效工长,促入上炉工长反在工做中降上绩效,非钢铁企业的管理者里临的沉大课题之一。It has became a major subject for the managers on how to promote foreman with high performance and how to promote foreman's performance while working.

据一位同学说,四年前一个敢为天下先的波兰人取得了凯泽斯劳滕的清洁工工长资格。Four years ago a brave Pole qualified as a master in Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate.

结合新疆高昌故城土建筑遗址保护工程,将土工长丝这种新型锚杆应用于墙体加固。The experimental study reveals that the geo-filament bolt can satisfy the consolidation requires of the earthen architecture site and the change of the bolt sur.