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辽宁是中国的一个省份。Liaoning is one of China's provinces.

它于1905年成为加拿大的一个省份。It became a province of Canada in 1905.

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我和妻子住在不同的省份。I and my girl live on different provinces.

有些工作地点遥远,在另一个省份。Some jobs are far away, in another province.

现在中国其余的省份也正在被动员。Nowthe rest of the Chinese state is mobilising.

这两名儿童曾居住在不同的南部省份。Both children resided in different southern provinces.

阿尔伯达出产的煤也多于其他任何省份。Alberta also produces more coal than any other province.

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负责北京及周边省份的大型活动用篷房租赁。Tent Rental for Events in Beijing &neighboring provinces.

一些省份和水库不服从我们的指令。Some provinces and reservoirs don't obey our instructions.

徐氏七次游浙,浙江是他涉足次数最多的省份。Xu toured Zhejiang seven times as his most favorite place.

它是加拿辞逵哪的首要出产省份之一。It is one of the main timber producing provinces in Canada.

另一个是法赫德的儿子,他仍然掌握着东部省份。and the son of Fahd, who still governs the Eastern Province.

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会后,非洲的决策者们分为两组,分别对中国的两个省份进行了实地考察。After the workshop, two parallel field visits were organized.

但是他表示,许多省份的投票率都很高。But he says there were many provinces where turnout was high.

帕克蒂亚省是塔利班较为活跃的一个省份。Paktia Province is a province of the Taliban are more active.

罢工迅速蔓延到海南、甘肃和其他省份。Strikes quickly followed in Hainan, Gansu and other provinces.

云南是一个以农业生产为主的省份。Agricultural production is a dominical part in Yunnan Province.

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虽然每个省份的农田都是好东东,但是却有明显的差异。What each region's farms are worth however varies considerably.

接近一半以上的人都住在五个受灾的省份。Nearly half the population live in the five disaster-hit states.

200多名科学家对中国的27个省份进行了调研,调研地点的选择集中于不同土壤类型的七个区域,如东北黑土区、北方土石山区、南方红壤区和喀斯特地形区等。Around 200 scientists surveyed 27 provinces in China, focusing on